Dewey and Delpha Lola Scott LucasParents

Lloyd Lucas, Glenn Lucas and Ralph (Verna) LucasBrothers

Lindell BarksBrother-in-law

Laverne Jackson LucasWife

Bartley Ray (Carolyn) Lucas, SrSon and Daughter-in-law

Bartley Ray (Iryna) Lucas, Jr., Matthew Lucas and Nathan (Allison) LucasGranddchildren

Kasper Lucas, Jackson Lucas and Jon Elliot LucasGreat Grandchildren

Margaret Lucas BarksSister

Genny LucasSister - In - Law

Mary Morrow and family, Tony PilgrimLifelong Friends

Lois Payne and Dorothy TurnerSister - In - Laws

Also, survived by many nieces, nephews and other relatives, family and friends.

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