Eugene Malachi Hatcher and Gertrude Shiver HatcherParents

John Lewis Turner SrHusband

Glenda Anne McGillDaughter

nineBrothers and sisters

Patti (Rusty) MurrayLoving Daughter and Son-in-Law

John (Cathy) TurnerSon and Daugher-in-Law

Brad (Libby) McGillGrandchild

Jennifer McGillGrandchild

Ashley HurstGrandchild

Holly (Jonathan) HooksGrandchild

Brandon (Allison) TurnerGrandchild

Will (Tiffany) MurrayGrandchild

Emilee (Tim) WallGrandchild

Jackson MurrayGrandchild

Molly McGill, Margaret McGill, Allen McGill, Faith Hurst, Laura Catherine HurstGreat - Grandchildren

Jonathan Hooks Jr, Spencer Hooks, Mary Claire Hooks, Andrew Hooks, Camille Hooks and Catherine HooksGreat - Grandchildren

Samuel Turner, Nathan Turner, Annabella Murray, Max Murray, Joshuah Seals, Allie Seals, Ethan Wall, Alex Wall, Noah Wall, Sarah Wall and Mason WallGreat - Grandchildren

Opal BrooksSister

also, survived by numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends.

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