Erich William & Annamarie Baasch BrooméParents

Eileen Trump BrooméWife

Ryan Broomé (Lisa)Son

Rodger Broomé (Anne Hsu)Son

Stephanie BrooméDaughter

Guenter was predeceased byhis sister Juta. He is survived by his grandchildren, Megan (and husband Trenton Griffiths), Jacob, Courtney, and Emma; Robert (and wife Aryssa), Tyler, Brandon, Katrina, and JieMi; Angela, Madison, and Rachel, and his great-grandchildren, Brooklyn and Emery.


Ryan BrooméPallbearer

Jacob BrooméPallbearer

Bruce BurninghamPallbearer

Steve BeirwolfPallbearer

Rodger BrooméPallbearer

Robert BrooméPallbearer

Robert BrooméPallbearer

Peter BeirwolfPallbearer

Mike BeirwolfPallbearer

Tyler BrooméHonorary Pallbearer

Katie BrooméHonorary Pallbearer

Courtney BrooméHonorary Pallbearer

Angela OlsenHonorary Pallbearer

Madison OlsenHonorary Pallbearer

Brandon BrooméHonorary Pallbearer

Megan Broomé GriffithsHonorary Pallbearer

Emma BrooméHonorary Pallbearer

Rachel OlsenHonorary Pallbearer

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