Miranda Toon (Austin)Daughter

Ashley Lookabaugh (Tom Schaefer)Daughter

Troy Lookabaugh IISon

Alyson Owens (Gabe)Daughter

Cody HefnerBonus son

Peyton ToonGrandchild

Austin ToonGrandchild

Issac ToonGrandchild

Gabriel OwensGrandchild

Wrenlee OwensGrandchild on the way

Toni Binion (Jeff)Sister

Joell SoriaSister

Adrienne Lookabaugh (Eddie Tackett)Sister

Brian LookabaughBrother

manynieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins

Thomas LookabaughFather

Janice Hartshorn LookabaughMother

Craig LookabaughBrother

Thomas Lookabaugh IIBrother

Betty RuhlGrandmother

Lawrence and Connie TisdaleGrandparents

Gaylord LookabaughGrandfather

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