Jarrad BondSon

Billie Daley (Jim)Daughter

Romatt Myers (Billie)Son

Lisa MillsDaughter

Shena Peck (Kyle)Grandchild

Mathew DaleyGrandchild

SaVanna DaleyGrandchild

Delanie HrankoGrandchild

Josiah MillsGrandchild

Autumn Legg (Aaron)Grandchild

Stormy MillsGrandchild


R. Michael BondBrother

Morgan BondVery special niece

numerouscousins, aunts and uncles

Deb MariettaSpecial friend and neighbor

Sally and Doug LittletonSpecial friends and neighbors

Mike FlynnSpecial friend and neighbor

Bobby Joe BondFather

Dolores Louise Crawford BondMother

Bill MyersHusband

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