Anbria (Murnahan) GibsonWife

Aniya, Aria and Azara Gibsonprecious daughters

Samantha GibsonMother

Derrick ButlerSpecial Father

Kandice Butler, Cameron Butler, Brianne Butler, Alicia (Bryce Hudson) Butler and Anthony (Taylor Fulwylie) Boozersiblings

Roxann Gibsonmaternal grandmother

Roger "Boyze" Schlupp III, Alyssa Hughes, Aaron Hughes and Christian Greenclose cousins

Brittany Gibson and Tammy Butlerspecial aunts

Harold (Barbara) Gibson, Roger Schlupp II and Randy (Laura) Schluppgreat uncles

Tammy Francis and Dianna Sheeksgreat aunts

Brier Thompson, Abel Parence, Kane Parence, Jonathan Spears, Hayden Salyers, Hayley Robertson, and Bakari Youngspecial friends

Rick "Pops" GibsonFather

Judy (Dave) Bosworth and Roger Schluppmaternal great-grandparents

Clinton (Marie) Gibsonpaternal grandparents

many aunts, uncles, and other relatives



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