Paris ThomasMother
Peyton ThomasSibling
Delylah ThomasSibling
Kamdyn ThomasSibling
Eyrabella ThomasSibling
Kenneth HarrisFather
Monica and Charles KoppMaternal grandparents
Jim and Raylene Colemanmaternal great-grandparents
Rose WatsonGrandmother
Raeann PeppardGrandmother
Louetta FrontzGreat-grandmother
Ruth HarrisGreat-grandmother
Ray Harris JrGreat-uncle
Eb HarrisGreat-uncle
Sheila HillardGreat-aunt
Jenny BrewerAdopted aunt and actual cousin
Donald and Joanne KoppGreat-grandparents
Richard KoppGreat-uncle
Taylor MillerUncle
Naomi ThomasSister
William WatsonGrandfather
William "Bill" PfahlerGreat-grandfather
Ray Harris SrGreat-grandfather
Ryan HostetterUncle
LaVanda ReynoldsAunt
Bud (EJ) SauderGreat great-grandfather
Lavonna FrisbyNanny
Many otherFamily Members
Paternal grandparents; other family