Patricia SchmidtWife

Suzanne (Thomas) JendruschDaughter

Kathleen (John) FererDaughter

Caroline (William) SpitzDaughter

Gregory (Kristin) SchmidtSon

Alexandra NiehausGrandchild

Blake JendruschGrandchild

Haley LarkinGrandchild

Lea FererGrandchild

Mikayla FererGrandchild

Abigail SpitzGrandchild

Luke SpitzGrandchild

Claire SpitzGrandchild

Sarah SpitzGrandchild

Carter SchmidtGrandchild

Hannah SchmidtGrandchild

Joseph, Madeline, and MiaGreat Grandchildren

The late Joan VancouwenbergheSister

He was born in Detroit Michigan to the late Edmund and Marie Schmidt.

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