The late Teri (Billy) PalmerDaughter

Donnie (Becky) BowmanSon

Pamela (Paul) AntiorDaughter

Jade, Renee (Travis) Lark, Paige (Ryan) Martinek, Nikki (Nick) Beauchemin, Ray Sivek, Courtney (Mike) Harris, and David AntiorGrandchildren

Nick, Will, Ava, Cyrus, Abel, Jack, Maisie, Cole, Ben, Autumn, Olivia, Mila, and MillieGreat Grandchildren

John (Candy) StraubBrother

Art (Marianne) StraubBrother

As well as many nieces and nephews. Barb was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Don who passed away just 6 months before her. She was also preceded in death by her grandparents, John and Emma Chandler, her parents Walton Straub and Adrienne Smith, as well as her sister, Donna Shawkey, and brother Robert Farnwalt.

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