Maxine and John KenneyGrandparents

Shannon SanNicolasSister

Sarah SanNicolasMother

Justin SanNicolasFather

Skylar SanNicolasSibling

Calter SanNicolasSibling

Taylor SanNicolasSibling

Harvey SanNicolasGrandparent

Kim HartwigGrandparent

Ray and Lara HartwigGrandParents

Deborah McAteeGrandparent

Nikolas HartwigUncle

Hailey HartwigAunt

Matthew SanNicolasUncle

Wesley SanNicolasUncle

Ashley NaccartoAunt

Susan Baker DiricksonGreat Aunt

Mary LoweGreat Aunt

Teresa BlairGreat Aunt

Numerous cousins, other relatives, and friends.


Mabank Fire and police Department

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