November 7th, 2021, Jacqueline Sandra Dvorak, beloved mother, sister, daughter and friend to so many passed away peacefully and surrounded by loved ones. Born in London, England, in 1944, Jacque moved to Las Vegas with mother Irene and father Sam when she was a child. She graduated from Las Vegas High School in 1962 and was very active in Jewish youth activities as a member of Binai B'rith Girls Youth Organization (BBG). While a teenager she also worked for Sam Dvorak’s Market Town Barbeque in Downtown Las Vegas. She did some college time and as an adult, Jacque became a retail manager for Slots-A-Fun, Circus Circus, Marshall Rouso and Freed’s bakery to name a few.
Jacque stayed involved in the local conservative and reform Jewish organizations for the rest of her life. She also volunteered at a local food bank for several years, and contributed to many local, national and international causes. Jacqueline was very active and participated in dance, bowling, and water aerobics throughout her life.
The most important thing to Jacqueline was her family, and she treated everyone she met like family as well. She is survived by her son, Harry (Leilani), her Daughter Lisa (David), brother Brian, grandchildren Mia, Daria, Sam, Jacob, Logan and Riley. She is survived by her great-grandchildren Lucy, Aria and Lana, and many wonderful nephews, nieces, cousins and friends as well. Since she treated everyone like family, the list could go on and on.
Jacque was a beautiful human, tough and resilient and very accommodating to everyone she met. She will be greatly missed.
Her services are on November 10th, 2021, at 2 p.m at King David Memorial Chapel, Las Vegas,NV.