James Harley Howe and Helen Elizabeth Euge HoweMaternal Grandparents
Arthur SchuetzeAdoptive Father
Ja'Nette Ann Santos SchuetzeWife
Ethan Daniel Schuetze and Tristan Connor SchuetzeChildren
Amber Victoria and Jacob Perez (Liam Tyler & Bentley Chase)Children and (Grandchildren)
Arian Hae'ja Borja and Amanda Ann Mills (Zoe Angeline)Children and (Grandchildren)
Gail Howe SchuetzeMother
Tamara EdmondsonSister
Kevin & Deirdre NagurskiBrother
Brian & Natasha NagurskiBrother
Jan NagurskiFather
Jose Anderson & Carol Pickelsimer SantosParents-In-Law
James & Gloria Balcomb-Lowman, Joeleen Santos, Greg & Janiece Santos SablanSisters & Brothers-In-Law
TJ & Jotasha Santos Krueger, James & Mary Grace Santos, Jenine Santos and Jaysha SantosSisters & Brothers-In-Law
Damian also leaves behind numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews to cherish his memory.