J.W. ( Buddy) SmithHusband

Howard HaynesFather

Leona HaynesMother

Steven SmithSon

Sherry SmithDaughter-in-law

Cheryl ClowerDaughter

Ron ClowerSon-in-law

Jason Smith (Annie)Grandson and Spouse

Kevin Smith (Whitney)Grandson and Spouse

Justin ClowerGrandson

Matthew Smith (Stephanie)Grandson and Spouse

Kristen Graham (Syd)Granddaughter and Spouse

Emily SmithGreat Granddaughter

Gabriel SmithGreat Grandson

Jacob SmithGreat Grandson

McKenley SmithGreat Granddaughter

Lucas GrahamGreat Grandson

Samantha GrahamGreat Granddaughter

Liam GrahamGreat Grandson

Silas BakerGreat-Great-Grandson

Carl Smith (Ragena)Brother-in-law and Spouse

Sandra ClowerSpecial Friend

Many cousins, friends, and extended family members.


Jason SmithActive

Kevin SmithActive

Matthew SmithActive

Justin ClowerActive

Syd GrahamActive

Carl SmithActive

Gabriel SmithHonorary

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