If you were to ask anyone what comes to mind when they think of Linda, the answer would be the same from every person: her smile. And if you were to have asked Linda what she would like for everyone who knew her to do in remembrance of her, she would likely have said something like this: “Let me live in your smile. Give me away in a smile. When you do, you’ll remember me and I will be remembered to you.”
Linda was born in Little Rock, AR on December 6, 1940 to Lillian and R.K. Stephens. She graduated from Murrah High School in Jackson, MS and the University of Mississippi. She married Steve Brasfield and together raised two children, and years after his passing, she married their dear friend Herbert (Herky) Jordan.
A celebrated kindergarten teacher of 25 years at Jackson Academy and longtime member of Covenant Presbyterian Church, Linda loved people. She would do anything to make others feel good about themselves, and she loved to laugh with others.
She gently left this life on September 5, 2023, but her light and her smile will be treasured always by her beloved husband Herky, her daughter Mary Catherine Turcotte, her son Steven Brasfield, her grandsons Turner Brasfield and Brooks Brasfield, her stepson Mitchell Jordan and wife Stacey, step granddaughter Miller Jordan, and her sister Mary Catherine Estes.
Her life will be celebrated on Friday, September 8 at a graveside service at Lakewood Memorial Cemetery at 9:00am. Visitation will be at 10:30 at Covenant Presbyterian Church, followed by a service at noon. Memorial gifts may be made to Covenant Presbyterian Church.
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