Susan Rae Swan (Ophosa) 77 years of age, was born December 27, 1941 to Raymond A. and Hattie E. Bickford in Houston, TX. She was called home by her father and savior on November 8, 2019.
She is survived by her loving children and families Albert H. Marlow, Darla Gae Reed and Danny R. Marlow, 10 loving grandchildren Marissa Marlow, Chris Marlow, Timothy Reed, Anthony Reed, Joey Burk, Jeremy Marlow, Josh Marlow, Jacob Marlow, Randi Reed and Gail Reed, and her 25 great grandchildren. Proceeded in passing are Sue’s loving siblings and parents.
She was courageous in her battle with her sickness and wasn’t afraid of passing on, as she had accepted God to bring her home.
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