Sue L. Hom was born in Canton, China. She was an energetic and eager young lady from a balanced and traditional Chinese valued family. These traits served her well when she found her soul mate and began their family. They immigrated to the land of golden opportunities to the United States of America. It was tough in the early days where her husband worked 6-7 day weeks with long hours to establish their business ventures while she became the family matriarch and endured just as many days & hours dealing with all of the other aspects of family life, as well as, supporting his endeavors. She was intellegent, a quick learner, and industrious in her many endeavors required in that era, as well as, imparting very wise words of wisdom such as “spend what is necessary and save for the future” and understand people via human behavior. The hard work and sacrifices by all family members paid off as we became more secure and set an example of accomplishments in the community. She instilled the traditional Chinese values and focused on education to enable their children to head down the path to be more successful than they were in business and life. She and her husband’s philosophy of getting a good education and working hard served the family well. They even helped fund the grandchildren’s education cost at the various colleges. Furthermore, they dabbled in philanthropy by getting with liked minded Gor Association members to fund a school in their hometown in China. They were modest and humble but people in the community noticed their successes and tried to emulate them in both business and family life. Also, she was very out going and had many friends in the Asian and neighborhood communities. It amazed us when we went to a restaurant, grocery store, or event and there would usually be someone she knew, and they would chat. Lastly, she was very active and constantly wanted to go do things even in later life. She said she walked better and got out to do more things than people 20-30 years her junior and venturing out late at night did not concern her. Our beloved mother, grandmother, great grandmother passed away at the young age of 94 surrounded by her loving family – Sammy (Sue), Sonny (Jenny), Samuel, Nancy (Dave), Stacy (Minhtri), Scott, Sharon (Ali), Steven, Jennifer, Christopher, Ellie - as she went home to be with her husband, son, parents, and many other relatives and long-time friends.
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