Epigmenio TrevinoFather

Candida AbregoMother

Felipe LopezHusband

Irma LopezDaughter

Felipe LopezSon

Eloy TrevinoBrother

Eliazar TrevinoBrother

Epigmenio TrevinoBrother

Eddie TrevinoBrother

Mary GarzaSister

Florinda TanejaDaughter

Chad TanejaSon-in-law

Sylvia ChapaDaughter

JC ChapaSon-in-law

Richard ReyesSon

George LopezSon

Sandra LopezDaughter-in-law

Patsy GonzalesSister

Herminia "Mini" TrevinoSister

Alex TrevinoBrother

Irma A. Lopez also leaves behind seven grandchildren, eleven great grandchildren, and two great great grandchildren to cherish her memory.


JC ChapaPallbearer

George Lopez Jr.Pallbearer

Martin RodriguezPallbearer

Joseph ReyesPallbearer

Eloy GonzalezPallbearer

Albert GonzalezPallbearer

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