Jackie SnyderHusband of 62 years

Eric Snyder (Gigi)Son

Joan LamarDaughter

Jay Snyder (Victoria)Grandson

Ginger Miracle (Allen)Granddaughter

Courtney Neighbors (Ben)Granddaughter

Chandler LamarGrandson

Allie MiracleGreat Granddaughter

Jaxson NeighborsGreat Grandson

Elijah SnyderGreat Grandson

and soon to be Brycen NeighborsGreat Grandson

Mable NarramoreSister

Geneva Bailey (Horace)Sister

Jimmy Stanford (Judy)Brother

David, Judy, Ben, and Sarah SoloveySpecial family friends

She is also survived by many nieces, nephews, and other loved ones.


Hixson First Baptist Church5800 Grubb Road, Hixson, TN 37343

Holiday Out RV Park at Lake TansiC/O Church Fund, 182 Comanche Trail, Crossville, Tennessee 38572

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