Ismael GutierrezGrandfather

Sophia ArellanoGreat Grandmother

Scarlett SanchezCousin

Kara ReevesAunt

Ismael GutierrezFather

Samantha (Arellano) GutierrezMother

Liliana ArellanoMaternal Grandmother

Maria Conchita GutierrezPaternal Grandmother

Uncles And Aunts : Yesenia & Jovani Castro, Cristina & Roberto Canchola, Estefany & Allen Gay, Tony & Sydney Montes, Joanna Gutierrez, Alex Gutierrez, Veronica& Ruben Sanchez, Erik and Brooklyn Rayas, and Aunties Samantha Molina, Andrea Kabobel, Jessica Barrons, Cori DeVille, Jazmin Galvan, Valerie Ordaz, Alexa Madrid and 15 cousins.

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