Vickie Ricker MasseyWife of 31 years

Peggy and David CarterSister

Rosie and Bobby ByrdSister

Sue and David SnyderSister

Ronnie and Nancy MasseyBrother

Joe Massey and MarilynBrother

Terry and Carolyn MasseyBrother

Mike and Debbie MasseyBrother

Teddy MasseyBrother

Wayne and Brenda RickerBrother-in-law and Sister-in-law

Elizabeth BibleAunt

Kenneth MatthewsSpecial Friend

Mary PenningtonSpecial Friend

Karen and Owen LynchSpecial Friends

Melissa MatthewsSpecial Friend

Lynn RickerSpecial Friend

Donnie and Debbie CraftSpecial Friends

Mary SwansonSpecial Friend

Phyllis MasseySpecial Friend

Larry and Pat MasseySpecial Friends

Gary and Linda MasseySpecial Friends

Tim WattsSpecial Friend

Tim NeasSpecial Friend

C.E. TurnerSpecial Friend

Stan NealSpecial Friend

Kevin RamseySpecial Friend

Eric RupertSpecial Friend

Blossom CarterSpecial Friend

Eugene GreeneSpecial Friend

Past and Present Employees of Greene County Highway Dept.Special Friends

Jessey and Alta Ricker MasseyParents

Tim MasseyBrother

Roy "Buddy" MasseyBrother

Chet MasseyBrother

Carol NelsonSister

W.T. and Faye RickerFather-in-law and Mother-in-law

Services Précédents

mercredi,06 mars, 2019


mercredi,06 mars, 2019


jeudi,07 mars, 2019

Funeral Service