Larry LawsonHusband

Ashley and David ChessDaughter and Son-in-law

Dakota ChessSon

Joy ByrdMother

Joanie and TJ HenryStep Daughter and Step Son-in-law

Tommy LawsonStep Son

Isabelle GregoryGrandchild

Lilah GregoryGrandchild

Desmond GregoryGrandchild

Trenton HenryGrandchild

Patrick HenryGrandchild

Cole HenryGrandchild

Summer LawsonGrandchild

Mike ByrdBrother

Karen WillisSister

Scott WillisBrother-in-law

Lewis and Judy PierceSpecial Friends

Ronald ByrdFather

She also leaves several nieces, nephews and other step children to cherish her memory.


Lewis Pierce

TJ Henry

David Gregory

Jeff Lowe

Christian Willis

Gary Voiles

Randall JohnsonHonorary

Jack JohnsonHonorary

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