Jim FarrellFather

Bernice FarrellMother

Donald FarrellStep-Father

Judi (Waterbeck) FarrellWife

Jennifer FarrellDaughter

Susan Wallem (Harry)Daughter

Kelly Freyermuth (Mick)Daughter

Hailey RostadGranddaughter

Grace DoraskaGranddaughter

Luke FreyermuthGrandson

Rory FreyermuthGranddaughter

Caitlin FreyermuthGranddaughter

Austin GessellFamily Friend

Mike BalsterBrother-in-law

Sherman HogrefeNephew

He is also survived by one brother, four sisters, six brothers-in-law, three sisters-in-law and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins.


Michael Balster

Kevin Balster

Doug Grover

Tyler Hogrefe

Jim Farrell

Nick Farrell

Chad Stedman

Jerome Waterbeck

Weston Waterbeck


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