Leah JenkinsMother

Alex JenkinsFather

Lynn (Silby) BarrettDaughter

Kevin JenkinsSon

Colin (Taylor)Grandson

Nicole (Jared)Granddaughter

Emma -Granddaughter

Zackary (Victoria)Grandson

Alexis -Granddaughter

Liam -Grandson

Jaelyn -Granddaughter

Gayle -Former Spouse

Brenden (Shirley)Brother

Albert (June)Brother

Rudy (Doreen)Brother

Clyde (Leone)Brother

Wade (Denise)Brother

Roy JenkinsBrother

Marilyn --Sister

Claudine --Sister

Caroline --Sister

Jane (Ken)Sister

Buster JenkinsBrother

Vern JenkinsBrother

Blair --Brother-in-law

John --Brother-in-law

Richard --Nephew

Justin --Nephew

Allen --Nephew

Also survived by many nieces, nephews, cousins, friends and close friend and loyal employee of GRJ Cement Finishers John Gilmet.

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