Avis de décès
Timothy Lukachik
7 juillet 1949 – 23 mai 2019
Mullins & Thompson Funeral Service
Timothy L. Lukachik, 69, of Locust Grove, Virginia left this world for the next on the 23rd of May, 2019. For all that knew Tim, knew that he was an honorable person with a strong moral core and an avid enthusiast of life. Tim had a spirit full of generosity and kindness, having never met a stranger that did not become a friend or family. He leaves his legacy in his six children, in his seven grandchildren, and in the thousands of students who shared in his classroom for over forty years. Tim had an everlasting passion for life, always embracing the positive facets of life. He was an outdoor aficionado, never shying away from an opportunity to fish, to play football, or to simply sit outdoors and watch the sky. Tim had a zany sense of humor, finding laughter in the simplest of things and never took himself too seriously. He loved corny jokes, he loved peanut butter and ice cream-separately, not together, he loved Hallmark Channel movies, he loved Christmas, he loved God, but mostly he loved people. To Tim, life was fantastic. To us, Tim was fantastic.
A private celebration of life will be held on Saturday, June 1, 2019.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to The Virginia Association of Science Teachers at https://vast.wildapricot.org/Donate.
Online condolences may be sent at mullinsthompsonfredericksburg.com
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Timothy Lukachik
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