Whether it have been a visit, a phone call, a meal, a text, a card, flowers, or a chore we thank you for your heartfelt support during our time of grief. In your own special way, you have helped carry the heavy weight of sorrow on our hearts as we prepare to honor our beloved Arthur! Thank you for visiting this memorial page and leave such loving words and memories. Services will be live streamed on Monday, November 28th at 11am on the Great Commission Baptist Church website: www.gcbcfw.org.


Marlon HenryActive Pallbearer

Mike NkolloActive Pallbearer

Michael Love Active Pallbearer

Kenneth Branch Active Pallbearer

Jerry HarrisActive Pallbearer

Mark Zikeama-ObiActive Pallbearer

Rashied HenryHonorary Pallbearer

Jaylon BanksHonorary Pallbearer

Mitterand "Tron" ItuenHonorary Pallbearer

Tyler HenryHonorary Pallbearer

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