Moore (Dwight), Louise, 91, of Lauderdale by the Sea, passed away on Sept. 3rd, following a prolonged illness. An extraordinary single parent, first widowed at age 29, she lived her life and raised two children by the simple Shakespearean credo “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” That was what made her such a well-loved and trusted friend to a wide circle of people, especially in Broward County, where she became a permanent resident in the early 1950s. Her loving, caring personality was eclipsed only by her never-ending sense of humor, which she managed to keep even in her last few days. An avid and accomplished golfer, she was a valued member of the Coral Ridge Country Club for nearly 50 years, where she won at least two club championships. She also made a mark on the bowling league for the Coral Ridge Yacht Club, where she was also a member for several decades. Pre-deceased by her beloved son, John Dwight, she is survived by her daughter, Vicki Dwight. In lieu of floral tributes, it is requested that donations be made to Holy Cross Hospital, for which she was a long time fund-raiser in the 50’s and 60’s. Visitation has been scheduled for Saturday, September 8th from 11:30am to 1:30pm at which time the funeral service will be held in the funeral home. Interment will follow at Lauderdale Memorial Park in Fort Lauderdale. Arrangements were made by: Kraeer-Fairchild Funeral Home and Cremation Center, 4061 N. Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308. Phone: 954-565-5591.
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