JIMERSON, Aaxton Adam Lee – age 5 ½ months, passed away on Friday, July 31, 2015. Funeral services will be held 2 PM Friday, August 7, 2015 at Reigle Funeral Home, 5501 W. Pierson Rd., Flushing, MI. Visitation 11 am to 2 pm Friday. Aaxton was born February 11, 2015 in Flint, Michigan. Surviving are: mother, Mariah Christie; father, Aaron Jimerson; sister, Aariah Jimerson; brother, Aadainian Jimerson; grandparents, Kendra Potter, Nicole Abdella, and Roger and Kim Christie; great-grandparents, Estelle and Ruben Brost, and Lois Fay; aunts and uncles, Adam Aldridge, Jodi Sopko, Dale Christie, Tony Sopko, Laura Christie, Felicia Sopko, and Brian Christie. Aaxton was preceded in death by his great-grandpa, Ronald Fay; great-great-grandma, Nellie Davis; great-great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Christie and Sadie Mae Breece and great-grandfather, Robert Breece. Please share your condolences with the family at www.reiglefuneralhome.com