Sylvia L. Holguin 59, beloved mother, grandmother, and sister passed away on April 23, 2021 joining her Savior Jesus Christ as well as her mother Luz and her father Elias Luevano. Life long resident of El Paso and a member of the Catholic Church, Ms. Holguin is survived by her children Adrian Holguin (Danna), Andrea De la Hoz (David), Joeray Luevano (Serena), Jordan Luevano (Jasmin), 8 grandchildren as well as her brother Ray Luevano (Martha), and her 3 sisters Dora McLure (Martin), Leticia Bretz (Randy), and Hilda Deal.
A Memorial Service will be held at Martin Funeral Home East at 1460 George Dieter Drive, on Friday April 30th from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. with a Vigil Service at 2:00 p.m. and will also be live streamed. For more information please contact Martin Funeral Home East at 915-855-8881.