Lon Jackson MatthewsFather

Era Vine (Mullenax) MatthewsMother

Geralene (Matthews) ThomasSister

Billy J. MatthewsBrother

Janice Lee Fox MatthewsBeloved Wife of 57 years

Donna V. Matthews Mann (Vic)Daughter

Cindy R. Spooner (James Jr.)Daughter

Douglas D. MatthewsSon

Rayburn E. Matthews, JrSon

Raymond J. MatthewsSon

Christina L. Miller (Robert)Grandchild

James O. Spooner, IIIGrandchild

Luke R. Spooner (Guadalupe)Grandchild

Joseph O. SpoonerGrandchild

Rachael F. SpoonerGrandchild

Rebekah H. SpoonerGrandchild

Sarah R. L. SpoonerGrandchild

Luke R. Spooner, Jr.Great Grandchild

Ray also leaves behind several nieces and nephews to cherish his memory.


Douglas Matthews

Rayburn Matthews Jr.

Raymond Matthews

Jim Spooner

Robbie Miller

James Spooner lll

Luke Spooner

Services Précédents

dimanche,11 décembre, 2022


lundi,12 décembre, 2022

Funeral Service

lundi,12 décembre, 2022
