Candy EasterwoodDaughter

Penny Hause (Mark)Daughter

Glenn Easterwood (Katie)Son

John McDonoughBrother

Patsy McDonoughSister

Amber LairdGrandchild

Ashley PorterGrandchild

Adam SumnerGrandchild

Travis LairdGrandchild

Justin GipsonGrandchild

Ansley EasterwoodGrandchild

Kathryn SmithGrandchild

Isaac EasterwoodGrandchild

Courtney HauseGrandchild

Gavin PorterGreat-Grandchild

Maddox PorterGreat-Grandchild

Bailey SumnerGreat-Grandchild

Amelia LairdGreat-Grandchild

Wyatt SumnerGreat-Grandchild

Eden CrossGreat-Grandchild

Asher CrossGreat-Grandchild

Elli CrossGreat-Grandchild

James L. BernBeloved Husband of 15 Years

John J. McDonoughFather

Lydia (Creelman) McDonoughMother

Joyce Ann EasterwoodDaughter

Jeremy Wayne PogueGrandson

Margo McCorkleSister

Helen also leaves behind numerous other family members and friends.

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