David GambleFather

Kristina GambleMother

Dawson GambleBrother

Jenna GambleSister

Denny GambleGrandfather

Patty GambleGrandmother

Becky BuhmanGrandmother

MaryAnn TerryGreat Grandmother

Ryan (Corie) GambleUncle

Chad (Tracy) BuhmanUncle

Abby GambleCousin

Katie (Adam) BuhmanCousin

Kyle (Madi) BuhmanCousin

Cole BuhmanCousin

Justin ScottBoyfriend

Dale TerryGreat Grandfather

Dolores OgdenGreat Grandmother

Allene BuhmanGreat Grandmother

"Papa John" BuhmanGrandfather

Jason CarneyCousin


Dawson GamblePallbearer

Kyle BuhmanPallbearer

Cole BuhmanPallbearer

Adam FitzsimmonsPallbearer

Jacob WehrPallbearer

Justin WehrPallbearer

Dustin HarrisPallbearer

Jordan GuntiPallbearer


To The Gamble Family

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