Lester and Pauline LeeParents

James "Jim" TankHusband

Amy (Scott) SmithDaughter

Becky (John) LafrenzDaughter

Tom TankSon

Beth (Steve Fuglestad) TankDaughter

Tony (Darcey) SeboltSon

Samuel (Kylie) Smith, Luke (Mara) Smith, Alexandra (Dathan) Speer, Nicholas Lafrenz, Joseph (Abby) Lafrenz, Sara Tank, Brady Sebolt, Oliva Sebolt, and William SebolGrandchildren

Weston, Holden and FordGreat-Grandsons

Tom (Georgeann) LeeBrother

Doug (Ann) LeeBrother

She was preceded in death by her husband Jim, her parents Lester and Pauline, and her brother Randall Lee.


The University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital

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