Lawrence DreyerFather

Lucille (Paustian) DreyerMother

Judy (Wolfe) DreyerWife

Kelli Corbin (Daniel)Daughter

Brian DreyerSon

Colleen CorbinGrandchild

Meghan Kiroff (Cody)Grandchild

Hailie DreyerGrandchild

Chance DreyerGrandchild

Kennedy KiroffGreat Grandchild

Corbin KiroffGreat Grandchild

Patricia FrameSister-in-law

Also left to cherish his memory are several nieces and nephews. His in-laws, Vern and Gerry Wolfe, Zola and Melvin Miller, and John Frame had also preceded him in death.

Services Précédents

mercredi,09 novembre, 2022


mercredi,09 novembre, 2022

Funeral Service