James BattenFather

Hilda (Berg) BattenMother

Samantha Sandifer (Jeff)Daughter

Ryan Batten (Ashley)Son

Eric Batten (Andrea)Son

Megan BattenDaughter

Johnnie "John Boy" BattenSon

Johnny KirschbaumGrandchild

Nicholas KirschbaumGrandchild

Patrick SandiferGrandchild

Lindsay BattenGrandchild

Caiden BattenGrandchild

Camren BattenGrandchild

Collen BattenGrandchild

Laila MartinezGrandchild

Quinn BattenGrandchild

Jane BergSister

Jimmy Batten (Dorothy)Brother

Jerry BattenBrother

Betty Ann BattenSister

Jack BattenBrother

Also left to cherish his memory are 6 great-grandchildren.


the family

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