King Shu Li, our beloved mother, was born on March 11, 1916 in the province of Canton, China. She was the eldest of four children and, like many other females in her generation, only attended a local village grade school for a couple of years. In 1935, she married our late father, Shu Kuang Li, and became a homemaker.
In 1938, after the start of World War II, our father volunteered to join the Chinese Air Force as an engineer. During the course of the war, the family was forced to evacuate their homes multiple times to flee to safety – they took with them three of their children, I-Win, I-Chung, and Gweilan. Their eldest daughter, Reilan, stayed in Canton with her grandmother. God’s grace protected the family as they fled by foot for over 10 days through the cold winter, passing by countless bridges and roads destroyed by bombings and narrowly escaping attacks by Japanese troops. Every time our mother shared memories from these terrifying days, tears would well up in her eyes. After the end of the war, the family continued to uproot their lives as our father’s job called him to help rebuild different cities across China. During this time, our parents gave birth to
Shianglan in Hunan and I-Hung in Hangzhou.
In 1948, the family fled to Taiwan after the Communist party took rule. In Taiwan, they lived in Taipei and Shinju, where they gave birth to I-Shin and Shinlan for a total of eight children. The large family of 11 (including eight children and our grandmother) lived together in a converted police station. Our father’s modest military salary was not enough to support the needs of the family; so, our mother creatively thought of ways to supplement the family’s income while helping others. As an animal lover, she raised farm animals. With only her experience from delivering five of her own children, she served the villagers as a midwife. As a result of our parents’ hard work and dedication, all eight children received excellent educations and many went abroad to continue their studies.
Our parents left Taiwan in 1978 to help the children living abroad start families of their own. Wherever their children needed their help, they went. They loved spending time with their many grandchildren. Over the next three decades, they lived across the globe, from South Africa to Canada. In the United States, they lived in Colorado, California, Illinois and Texas. The couple also enjoyed traveling and our mother often shared stories from her adventures around the world.
Since 2001, after the passing of our father, we have been blessed with the chance to now take care of our mother after she has taken care of us for so many years. We will always miss her, but her laughter, strength, and fighting spirit will stay in our hearts and thoughts forever. We know that she is now in Heaven looking down on us and watching over us.
母親梁金秀,1916年3月11日生於廣東省梅縣三角地。是家中的長女,下有一妹二弟。童年時在家鄉就讀。以當時的風氣,較重男輕女,故在小學僅讀了幾年就輟學。1935年與父親黎曙光結婚,婚後一直留在家中相夫教子。 1938年對日抗戰爆發後,許多知識青年紛紛投效軍旅為國效力。父親也放棄中學教職,投入空軍。母親則隨著軍眷往後方遷移。當時身邊帶著長子怡文,次子怡忠,二女桂蘭(长女瑞蘭留在家鄉陪伴外婆)往後方廣西,貴州,雲南等地遷移。沿途許多道路橋梁被日機炸毀破壞。母親在這艱巨的環境裡,帶著子女三人,逃難, 尤以到贵陽的十余天至为艰辛。这期间身心備受创傷,一生沒齒難忘。
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