We are gathered here today in the memory of my brother Daniel Gad. We can all share our joy in the gift that his life was to us, and in the sorrow that his passing brings. We hope that by sharing both the joy and the pain, we may fully appreciate how his life has touched us all. In December of 2018 Daniel was diagnosed with lung cancer and bravely fought the disease until he succumbed to it and passed away at the age of 75 on February 6th, 2023 at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles.
Daniel was born on March 17th, 1948 in Addis Ababa, to his parents Desta Berhe and Gad Gebre Christos. He first started school at Sanford English School and later attended middle and High School at St. Joseph’s Catholic School. During his senior year of High School, he was awarded an AFS scholarship for one year to study in Corvallis, Oregon. He returned to Ethiopia and enrolled at Haile Selassie University. While still a student he joined Ethiopian Television service as a news anchor. Later on, he was given a scholarship to study at Indiana University where he earned a master's degree in Mass Media Communications. In 1974 Daniel married Marsha Treadwell and after moving to Seattle, Washington they welcomed their son Tedros Daniel Gad. While in Seattle Daniel joined AT&T where he enjoyed a lengthy career and rose all the way to an executive position.
Once he retired from AT&T he moved back to Ethiopia where he ventured into the newly formed Floriculture industry where he grew and exported flowers to Europe and the middle east. While in Ethiopia he met Akiko Seyoum and together they had two sons, Solomon Daniel Gad, and Eyoel Daniel Gad. In addition to Agribusiness, Daniel also worked as a consultant for an Italian Interior Design Firm.
Daniel had always been a maverick. He always took the road less travelled. He forged his own way in life. Never willing to compromise or follow the crowd. He was never afraid to venture where others had not been. He was fearless, yet a cautious adventurer who never hesitated to grab the bull by the horns. He was a natural born leader who opened doors for many. He was a mentor and a role model. He had an indelible zest for life, which included his friendly demeanor and his ability to strike a conversation with virtually anyone. His trademark smile was instantly recognizable.
Although he loved life and lived it to the fullest, Daniel’s greatest love were his three sons, Tedros Daniel Gad, Solomon Daniel Gad, and Eyoel Daniel Gad. In addition to his sons Daniel is survived by his two sisters, Yemissiratch Schwartz and Tsion Gad, and by his brother Gebre Christos Gad.
We thankfully surrender our beloved brother Daniel Gad to our Heavenly Father. IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, MAY HE REST IN PEACE AMEN.
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