Ann Pheleps GravemanWife

Michael (Judi) Graveman and David GravemanSons

Patricia Roark and Sheri (Richard) Duffeydaughters

Jessica (Mitchell) DempseyGrandchild

Edward Graveman and Emil GravemanBrothers

Daniel (Hannah) GravemanGrandchild

Nathan RoarkGrandchild

Sarah RoarkGrandchild

Kristin CollierGrandchild

Kimberly (Troy) GreerGrandchild

Karol (Brent) McConnellGrandchild

10Great Grandchildren

Ronald Gravemanson

John Herman and Margaret Veigl GravemanParents

John Graveman, Jr.Brother

Josephine Scheafers and Catherine HadleySisters

Ashley TranthamGreat Grandchild

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