Marshall Edwin TalbotFather

Mildred Reese TalbotMother

Son Min HughesLife Companion

Charles Mitchell "Chuck" TharpeSon-in-law

Alison Clay (Billy)Daughter

Clare Hurley (Gordon)Daughter

Rebecca JohnsonDaughter

Laura Rey (Jerry)Daughter

Caitlin O'Rourke (John)Grandchild

Shelli ClayGrandchild

Chloe TharpeGrandchild

Reece TharpeGrandchild

Ashton JohnsonGrandchild

Joelle JohnsonGrandchild

Raefe JohnsonGrandchild

Cole CollierGrandchild

Laken HarperGrandchild

Layce HarperGrandchild

Elliot and Ethan O'RourkeGreat-Grandchildren

Mona SprinkleSpecial Friend

Prestations de Service

Family has asked for the services to be private