Lena Shoopman Russell and Ben Russell, Sr.Parents

Connie and Charlie FarmerDaughter & Son-in- Law

Clara Yates RussellWife of 45 Years

Pamela Woodard (Mike)Daughter

Mike Finney (Peggy)Son

Michelle Russell (Roger)Daughter

Stephanie Campbell (Kenny)Grandchild

Brandy Royer (Justin)Grandchild

Sonya Whitmer (George)Grandchild

Jonathan Finney (Amanda)Grandchild

Justin Woodard (Ali)Grandchild

Matthew Finney (Kristina)Grandchild

Lindsey Briggs (Tyler)Grandchild

Joanne JenkinsSister

James Russell (Olivia)Brother

Wallace RykerStep Brother

Carl RykerStep Brother

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