Dawn PlotzkeWife

Danielle PlotzkeDaughter

Bree PlotzkeDaughter

Ron (Jean) PlotzkeFather

The late Elizabeth PlotzkeMother

Michael (Debbie) PlotzkeBrother

Christopher (Allyson) PlotzkeNephew

Jessica (Ian) ThomasNiece

David (Susanne) PesendorferNephew

Michael (Crystal) CrumpNephew

Matthew CrumpNephew

Matthew GiraNephew

Joshua GiraNephew

Mark BeltkowskiStep-brother

Kevin BeltkowskiStep-brother

Traci (James) RhonkohlStep-sister

Sherry (Mark) GiraSister-in-law

Jimmy CrumpBrother-in-law

Tom is also survived by many great nieces and nephews, extended family members, and his beloved canine companion, Maddie "Addison".

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