Daisy RoybalWife

Charles RoybalSon

Tomasa and Maximiliano RoybalParents

Irene DavisDaughter

Shannon MarshallGrandchild

Richell RoybalGrandchild

Roman CasanovaGrandchild

Jerrene DavisGrandchild

Elija MarshallGreat Grandchild

Naomi MarshallGreat Grandchild

Eliva MarshallGreat Grandchild

Arianna FosterGreat Grandchild

Victoria CasanovaGreat Grandchild

Melayne CasanovaGreat Grandchild

Lusela NicholsGreat Grandchild

Charles NicholsGreat Grandchild

Mr. Roybal is also preceded in death by several brothers and sisters.


Paul Agurrie

Ken Martinez

Eddie Roybal

Dave Roybal

Lusela A. Nichols

Charles Chester Nichols

Elijah Marshall

Eliya Marshall

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