Fendol was born to Pearl and Fendol Chiles in Tampa, FL in 1930. He was a Christ Follower, Patriarch of a very large family, and an avid learner. The oldest son of the family of six, Fendol enlisted into the Navy in 1947 to serve his country. With his military service, he landed in Kingsville, TX, where he married his first wife, Virginia, and raised a family of six children.
After leaving the Navy, he received his Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Texas A&I University. Soon after, he was hired on with Celanese Chemical company where he led a long and successful career until he retired in 1985. His work took him to New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago and Louisville, KY until he put down permanent roots in Dallas, TX. After retiring, he quickly decided to start a new journey, and he began a second career working for the Environmental Protection Agency. He was proud of the many things he accomplished at the border with Mexico and the impact he made amongst the large network of individuals he had the opportunity to work with.
After the passing of his first wife, he met Peggie, and they enjoyed life to their fullest for the next 25 years. When they got married in 1997, he told her that he would give her 25 years and on March 1st, 2022, he fulfilled that promise. He loved Peggie dearly and cherished the many hobbies they shared together. A few of these hobbies included jewelry making, caring for the pond in the backyard, estate sale shopping, security patrol in the neighborhood, being an active member of the Dallas Pistol club, and playing games with friends and family. One of their greatest adventures was driving an RV across the United States together. Fendol was an active member of Plymouth Park Baptist Church where he taught English as a second language. Fendol also made time to volunteer consistently at the North Dallas Shared Ministries and teach classes at the Arlington Gem and Mineral Club. At 87, his entrepreneurial spirit was still very much alive, as he designed and created his very own tool for jewelry making which he then received a patent for. He never stopped learning, creating and giving back.
Family was the center of his life. He dearly loved his wife, his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. His family loved and cherished him. Fendol was a constant in the lives of his family and his friends. He was always dependable and true to his word and these were two qualities he passed down to his kids and grandchildren. Fendol never met a stranger.
One of the pieces of Fendol’s life that he cherished most was being a Mason. Over a sixty-year time frame, Fendol climbed the ranks at the lodge and strived to be the best version of himself. Being a Mason was a true honor, and he was proud of the work both he and his brothers completed at the lodge.
Fendol is preceded in death by his parents, Fendol and Pearl and his siblings: John Chiles, Margaret McBride, and Shirley Lee. His first wife, Virgina Clayr, and his daughter Sandra Yoder and her husband Charles Yoder.
He is survived by his wife, Peggie, five children from his first marriage: Marsha (Leroy) O’Dell, Cynthia (Allen) Cohrs, Fendol (Patti) Chiles, David (Teresa) Chiles and Linda Gail (Greg) Simnacher as well as three children when he married Peggie: Christine Tesdall, Kirk (Michelle) Tesdall, and Meagan (Doug) Bryan. He had 14 grandchildren: Alan (Barbara) Yoder, Dwight Yoder, Jason (Staci) King, Rusty O’Dell, David (Stasha) Chiles, Bethany (Kevin) Hart , Melinda (Kenny) Sepeti, Clayr (Marcus) Schreiner, Amber (Josh) Ridinger, Neal (Rachel) Cohrs, Meredith Chiles, Gregory (Rebecca) Simnacher, Andrea Chiles, Abigail (Ross) Hurt and a bushel of great grandchildren on one side and 8 grandchildren on the other side: Maura Tesdall, Liam Tesdall, Georgia Tesdall, Piper Tesdall, Sukie Tesdall, Liam Tesdall and Fiona Bryan and Kenna Bryan.
He was well loved!
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.“
I Timothy 4:7-8
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