Stephen Calvin Hodson - 12 June 1950 to 15 April 2019
Steve was a Firefighter for the City of Carmel, IN. He is survived by His 2 Sons. Jerry DeWayne and Gary Wayne Hodson and their families.
He had it in his heart to adopt Gary when he was 3 years old and, married Terri Lynne Beck. Steve and Terri gave birth to Jerry DeWayne Hodson. He was born while Steve and Terri were living in the Bauer family farm house on 96th St and Keystone Dr. After they moved to Westfield, Steve and Terri were divorced but, Steve’s love for his family never faulted.
His boys never went without. Anything that those boys needed, was provided. To include all the love they could take in. Jerry and Gary’s Grandma (Avanelle) and Grandpa (Calvin) helped Steve with the process. Calvin and Avanelle would always make sure that those boys were brought up with Steve and, the most loving grandparents that any 2 boys could ever ask for.
Later, Steve would marry Katie. They were together for a few years. Then Steve would move on to marry Judy Carrell. Katie and Judy both provided their own love and support for those boys. Judy would remain close to Jerry and Gary. She was a large part as “Ma’am-Ma” to Jerry’s children. Terri, in Wyoming, comes out to visit her grandchildren, in Indiana, as often as she possibly can and, always expresses her love for them. Later in Life, Steve would marry Freida. And they lived, through their marriage, in the house that Steve grew up in, as a child.
Jerry and Gary grew up to have 2 families of their own. Jerry and Caroline got together in 1997. They had Stephen Edward in 1998 and had Sade Anne and Sean Dewayne, twins, in 2002. Gary got together with Nikki in 2001 and they had Bailey Lynne in 2003, Calvin Wayne in 2010 and, Charlie Lee in 2013. These are the fruits that have grown from Steve. He has been and, ALWAYS will be proud of the family that has grown from his heart. He loved his daughter-in-laws very much. Caroline would always express her love to him and help him out with as much as possible. Gary and Nikki live in Wyoming and are very grateful that Jerry and Caroline live in the area and have been here for Steve throughout the years. All the grandchildren will grow to know where they have come from.
While he was married to Terri, he tried to find a job in Salt Lake City, Ut. so, he could provide for his wife closer to her family. But, due to the LDS locale, he was unable to retain a career in the area as a Firefighter. Shortly afterwards, he was able to move back to the Carmel area and went back to work for the Fire Department that first offered him the opportunity to serve the City that he grew up in and, truly loved.
Steve was very involved with his boys, they were THE MOST important part of his life. No matter where they lived, his priority was to talk to them and visit with them as often as possible. When his health was good and he could get around well, after he retired, one of his favorite things was to golf with Jerry. Steve loved golf so much that, he went out and bought clubs that most people would pass over. He always took “handi-caps” and bogies and "mulligans", Jerry never gave him too much crap. Jerry would always buck-up and, agree with Steve about the score. One time, Steve took so many “mulligans” that Jerry couldn’t keep count. I’m pretty sure there were some times that Steve swung his ball into the water trap 4 times or more before he took his bogie for the hole. ….. The last time Jerry and Steve golfed, together, Steve said, “Son, that was the closest I’ve ever come to beating you!! I went through 14 balls.” Steve asked Jerry “How many balls did you go through? Jerry’s answer was “Just this one, this is the ball that I started with.” … Last year in August, Steve drove out to Wyoming to visit Gary and his family. When Steve got close, Gary was camping on Flaming Gorge reservoir. He met Steve at the nearest McDonald’s to him. Took Steve back to camp and, Steve, later, told Gary that he had never been out camping like that before in his life. Gary’s friends took Steve out on their boat and Steve couldn’t wait till he got back to shore. Gary had no idea but, after he got back from the second boat ride, Steve confessed, “I don’t know why but, it’s different when your not the driver and, this is a really big lake!!!” Steve really enjoyed being with his kids/grandkids. He would do anything he possibly could to spend time with them.
Steve was a very proud man. He was proud of his boys but, he was equally proud of his extended family. He would plan for months, to go to the Bauer or Hodson Family reunions then, after a reunion, he would talk for weeks about the people he was able to see and visit with. While Avanelle was still with us, Steve would do everything he could to make sure that she would at least make it to the Bauer reunion. Even though she wasn’t very mobile, they would both get it figured out how to get to the reunion. ; He was proud of all the jobs that he did. While he was working for the Fire Dept, he would have other side jobs as well. Driving semi truck was the latest but, he would tell you how much he enjoyed working on the Hubert farm or plowing snow. He really enjoyed driving trucks. He even had a part time job driving a tow truck for a little bit. ; It wasn’t a secret that his favorite holiday was Christmas. He would always spend days putting up Christmas lights and decorating. He would bake all sorts of candy, I think his favorite was his fudge. ; When it was time to pick out a greeting card, no matter the occasion, you would hope that you didn’t have to wait with him while he picked it out. He would take his time to pick out just the right card for the occasion. He wasn’t about to send you a card that just barely described his feelings. He would make sure that you felt the message. ; Steve was proud of his church. He really enjoyed listening to his Preacher. He always talked about how much he enjoyed listening to his sermons and spending time at the church.
Steve will truly be missed. No matter who you are, if you’re here reading this, you are doing it to learn more about or, remember Steve “Hummer” Hodson. We share these things, cause, He was truly one wonderful man….. No matter how ornery or, how pissy he got…. LOL!! …. He truly had his heart in the right spot.
I couldn’t write this up unless, I mentioned again, the entire Carmel Fire Dept!!! You guys were as much of his family as any group of people could be. He absolutely loved being around all of you. When he was active and on duty, I know he believed that he was the best cook in the world. But, if you ever asked him about anything, He always knew more than you and, you could never prove him wrong. (you know who he was). IF you didn’t agree with him, You know you went on his shit-list… At least, until, he woke up the next day!! LOL!!
…. (I hope that you all got a kick out of that!!!!)
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