Dr./Mrs. Hazel Wah-Kiu Yip Lee passed away peacefully at the Carewest George Boyack Care Center, Calgary, Alberta, Canada on Monday, June 5, 2017 at 2:14 p.m. at the age of 105 years. Her son Dr. Kaiman Lee was with her through her last 48 hours, and witnessed her last breath.
Her funeral service was held on June 10 at Foster's Garden Chapel, Funeral Home & Crematorium. She was buried on the left side of her husband Dr. David D. Lee (her elder son Kai Kong Lee's urn is in the middle between them) at Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary. Serving as pallbearers were Kaiman Lee, David Woo, Christopher Lee, George Lee, Yehoy Lee, and Birk Lee.
Hazel Lee was preceded in death by her husband Dr. David D. Lee on October 2, 1973, age 70; and her elder son Kai Kong Carl Lee on October 31, 2002, age 63.
Hazel Lee is survived by:
- Kaiman Lee (son), Catherine Lee (daughter-in-law): Birk Yeh-Fung Lee (grandson), Christie Onoda Lee (grand daughter-in-law): Allison Kana Lee (grand-grand-daughter), Ryan Kenzo Lee (grand-grand-son); Yehoy Kaiman Lee, Jr. (grandson), Mona Mong-Wa U (grand daughter-in-law): Thomas Hao-Zhe Lee (grand-grand-son).
- George Lee (son).
- David Kai-Hung Lee (son), Linda Ceying Lee (daughter-in-law): Eric Lee (grandson), Amerina Holby Lee (grand daughter-in-law); Avery Genevieve Lee (grand-grand-daughter), Jansen Lee (grand-grand-son); Christopher Lee (grandson), Patricia Lee (grand daughter-in-law).
- Leven Woo (daughter): Arthur Woo (grandson-in-law)/Lynn Woo (grand daughter-in-law); Stephen Woo (grandson-in-law)/Ruth Woo (grand daughter-in-law) (their children: Heather, Alison, Aaron); David Woo (grandson-in-law)/Lauren Woo (grand daughter-in-law) (their children: Camryn, Adam); and Emily Woo (grand daughter-in-law).
李葉華嬌醫生夫人殯儀時的致辭 (李啟文編修)
Dr./Mrs. Hazel Wah-Kiu Yip Lee
(by Kaiman Lee)
李葉華嬌醫生夫人生平 (李啟文編修)
BIOGRAPHY OF Dr./Mrs. Hazel Wah-Kiu Yip Lee (Summarized by Kaiman Lee)
媽咪(我們對母親的稱呼)的祖父是牧師. 因月薪無幾, 很難供給兒女受高級教育, 但他領導兒女信主為忠心的基督徒. 媽咪的父親自幼則知勤學讀書, 自修英文, 歡喜看雜誌與報紙. 到他二十歲左右則考入海關内班之職. 他對於兒女是注重教育. 送每個兒女入最好的基督教學校讀書, 直到讀完大學. 媽咪的母親沒有讀什麼書, 是結婚後媽咪的父親常教她, 所以她可以識字寫信. 她是一個勤樸的家庭主婦, 以理家養兒過一生.
My mother's grandfather 葉頌林 Yeh Song Lin was a minister. Due to his low income, it was very hard to provide higher education for the children. But, he led the children to become abiding Christians. My mother's father's virtue of studying hard had led him to self-learning English, and enjoying reading magazines and newspapers. When he was about twenty years old, he passed the exams and became an internal officer of the Customs Department. He emphasized education for the children and sent them to the best Christian schools through college completion. My mother's mother did not have any formal education. Her education was taught by my mother's father, sufficient to read and write letters. She was a hard working housewife, her whole life was dedicated to the well being of the children.
媽咪是在上海出世, 而後因她的父親被調回福州, 所以即遷回福州居住. 1932 年媽咪高中畢業, 來廣州夏葛女子醫學院讀醫, 因那時代福州沒有醫學院之設立. 第二年改名稱為嶺南大學附屬孫逸仙博士醫學院. 1938 年媽咪的班是第一屆醫學生畢業.
My mother was born in Shanghai. The family went back to 福州 Fu Zhou because of my father's job transfer.
My mother graduated high school in 1932, and went to 廣州 Guang Zhou 夏葛 Xia Ge Women's Medical College because there was not a women's medical college in 福州 Fu Zhou. During the second year, the college became Ancillary Dr. 孫逸仙 Sun Yi Xian Medical College of 嶺南 Lingnan University. In 1938, my mother's class was the first to graduate.
1938年適逢七七盧溝橋事變, 第二次世界大戰之開端, 媽咪被聘在博濟醫院為外科醫生. 後來因時局愈緊張, 博濟醫院則撤退去韶關曲江.
That time met with 七七盧溝橋事變 77 the Lugou Bridge Incident, the beginning of the Second World War. My mother was hired as a doctor at the surgery department in the 博濟 Bo Ji Hospital. Because of the urgency of the war situation, 博濟 Bo Ji Hospital was evacuated and relocated at 韶關曲江 Shao Guan Qu Jiang.
該時加拿大政府發出告令, 通知華僑學生誰願意回國服務者則可回去. 爹哋(我們對父親的稱呼)是在其中之一, 授職于韶關曲江行營為上校醫官, 因此媽咪由爹哋的朋友介紹而認識了爹哋.
At that time, the Canadian government announced that foreign students who would want to go to China to serve could leave. My father was one of those and was given a job as 上校醫官 Colonel medical doctor at 韶關曲江 Shao Guan Qu Jiang. Therefore, my mother was introduced by my father's friends, and got to know him.
9月21號廣州失守, 博濟醫院臨時撤退去桂林. 他們自從離開廣州之後, 到處都是打地鋪, 無正常的飲食或洗澡等, 正如流亡的難民.
On September 21, 1938, 廣州 Guang Zhou was occupied by the Japanese army. The hospital was temporarily evacuated to 桂林 Gui Lin. Since leaving 廣州 Guang Zhou, everywhere they went they were sleeping on the floor, without regular meals and bathing, just like refugees and the homeless.
因為行營再要遷往重庆, 爹哋不想去, 則辭職. 不久他們参加万国红十字会工作, 爹哋為隊長, 媽咪為醫官之一. 為着這流蕩式的工作诸多不便, 所以他们就先结婚.
My father resigned from his post because his military camp had to be moved to 重庆 Chong Qing, and he did not want to go. Soon they participated in the works of the International Red Cross. My father was captain, and my mother was one of the medical officers. Because of the inconvenience of moving from place to place and the nature of the work, they got married.
自此之后生活困苦, 随着時勢之演變, 而多処移动, 無安定的居所, 甚至与牛马豬群同屋, 而且没有一张正式的床可睡, 是打地铺用禾乾為褥. 記得 (1) 啟剛出生於柳州一間看守門的小房子, 那時爹哋適逢上前線辦公不在家, 只是隊中的護士接生, (2) 麗雲出生地雙潭㠊, 住一農夫家樓之小房子, 是爹哋與護士接生, (3) 啟文出生於桂林七星岩河邊一小竹屋, 是爹哋與護士接生.
Since then they lived in poverty, through the evolution of the times, many moves, without a stable home, even lodging with cows, horses and pigs. They also did not have a regular bed, sleeping on the ground with some mattress filled with grain straws. My mother remembered: (1) 啟剛 Kai Kong was born in 柳州 Liu Zhou (willow state) inside of a small guard house. My father happened to be working in the front-line and not at home that day. The team's nurse served as the midwife. (2) 麗雲 Leven was born at 雙潭㠊 Shuang Tan Shu (Twin Lake Mountain), while lodging in a room in a small farmer's house. My father and a nurse did the delivery. (3) 啟文 Kaiman was born in a small bamboo hut beside a river at the 桂林 Gui Lin (laurel forest) 七星岩 Seven Star Crags. My father and a nurse performed the delivery.
忘記了某年某日万國紅十字會解散了, 在桂林我爸爸和朋友合股開一餐館. 營業數月, 虧本甚重. 因此餐館停業. 頂給別人. 租一間房屋掛牌開業. 在這人面生疏的地方行醫亦不容易, 生意很淡, 煩惱日增. 感謝慈悲的天父, 安排爹哋在第四空軍醫院做院長兼外科主任職.
My mother forgot what year and day that the International Red Cross was disbanded, my father partnered with a friend to operate a restaurant. It incurred big losses in just a few months. Therefore, they closed the restaurant and had it let to another party. They rented a house and hung out their shingle to start their own medical practice. It was not easy to practice medicine at a place where they did not know many faces. They were increasingly concerned due to lack of business. But thank God for his mercy, that he arranged for my father to take the position of president of Fourth Air Force Hospital and director of surgery.
媽咪亦任一份醫官職. 1944 年時局演變, 日本敵軍要攻上桂林, 醫院要撤退去貴陽. 當火車開到蘇橋, 回頭一望, 那飛機場已經火焰沖天了. 次日9月18號媽咪就在火車卡上產下一女, 人人都叫她為蘇橋女. 從此以後, 每天日出而行, 日落停步. 見沿路大小屍體遍野, 每到一村, 都是十室九空. 士兵入室尋有剩下的米或蕃薯芋頭則煮熟充飢. 亱睡于路旁屋簷下, 或田邊, 真是淒涼之極.
My mother also occupied a position as medical officer. Suddenly in 1944, the Japanese enemy would attack 桂林 Gui Lin. The hospital was to immediately retreat to 貴陽 Gui Yang. When the train got to 蘇橋 Su Qiao, my mother looked back and saw the airport completely in flames. On the next day, September 18, their daughter was born inside the train. Everyone called her 蘇橋女 Su Qiao Nu. Since then, they walked during the day and rested after sunset. The roads were lined with young and old dead bodies. Every village we went by was ninety percent empty. Soldiers went into the houses and sought for any kind of things, rice, potatoes and/or taros, that could be cooked and consumed to stop the hunger. They slept along the road side under roof eaves, or at the edge of a rice patty. They were extremely desolated.
如此的情況在途中約三個月之久才到貴陽. 住在一間大廟堂, 他們一家睡在一邊廂, 用木板做床, 買一張大棉被蓋一家大小. 不久發生了流行性之猩紅熱病, 許多士兵都病倒, 爹哋也染上病了, 發高熱半昏迷狀有三星期. 那時候媽咪一人負全責, 看顧一家五人, 幾乎日夜無睡, 疲倦難堪.
Such and similar circumstances encountered them for about three months before they reached 貴陽 Gui Yang. They lived in a big and unoccupied temple. They slept on one side of the temple where they used wooden planks as beds. They bought a large size quilt cover for the whole family. Scarlet fever epidemic suddenly occurred. Many soldiers felt ill, and my father contracted with the disease also. My father had semi-coma-like high fever for three weeks. At that time, my mother took full responsibility single-handedly looking after the family of five persons, virtually day and night without sleep, with unbearable fatigue.
而時敵軍仍繼續前攻, 上司又下命叫他們預備撤退上重慶, 爹哋是無能為力再移動, 擬辭職. 誰知有一天早上聽到新聞, 敵軍投降, 停止戰爭,皆大歡喜. 他們束裝回廣州, 途經柳州時, 見全城被日軍破壞甚慘, 他們找間學校裡一間課室暫住, 黑板做床. 不幸蘇橋女病, 高熱度105° 抽筋, 経多次注射均無效, 數天則死, 當臨死之前, 見她流出眼淚才斷氣, 那種情景. 實令媽咪無限傷心.
The enemy soldiers were continuously attacking and advancing. The superior ordered them to prepare to retreat to 重慶 Chong Qing. My father was physically unable to move again, and was preparing to resign. Who could have known that news came one morning that the enemy surrendered - war ceased. All were very happy. They soon packed their bags to go back to 廣州 Guang Zhou. When passing through 柳州 Liu Zhou, they saw the whole city destroyed badly by the Japanese. They found a temporary shelter in a school classroom, and used the chalkboard as bed. Unfortunately 蘇橋女 Su Qiao Nu was sick with high fever of 105° and having cramps. Despite multiple injections, to no avail, she passed away in a few days. My mother saw her tears at her last breath. Such unbearable circumstance and sadness my mother faced.
他們從柳州僱一漁船數日後才到廣州. 爹哋在光華醫院做外科主任, 媽咪做產婦科主任.
They hired a fishing boat and traveled from 柳州 Liu Zhou to 廣州 Guang Zhou. My father worked at光華 Guang Hua Hospital as director of surgery, and my mother director of maternal gynecology.
1946年6月左右, 爹哋先去澳門鏡湖醫院做外科主任. 媽咪仍繼續做數月才辭職. 第二年1947年3月20日在鏡湖醫院產下啟華. 約兩年後, 爹哋和媽咪辭職自行開業.
Around June 1946, my father went first to 澳門 Macau 鏡湖 Kiang Wu Hospital as director of surgery. My mother continued her work for a few more months before resigning. 啟華 Kai Wah (George) was born the next year on March 20, 1947 in 鏡湖 Kiang Wu Hospital. After about two years, they resigned and established their own medical practice.
首先租新馬路大南金鋪與燕京飯館的樓上為醫務所和住家. 1948年11月10日啟鴻 Kai Hung (David) 在此出生.
They soon rented the second floor of 大南金鋪 Da Nan Jewelry Store and 燕京飯館 Yan Jing Restaurant as their medical clinic and residence. 啟鴻 Kai Hung (David) was born there on November 10, 1948.
1953 年買一間房屋, 在板樟堂街 22A 號. 這房屋後座已破壞, 將要傾倒, 所以要重新建築為石屎樓. 二樓為醫務所, 三樓為住家. 從此之後, 稍微安居樂業. 媽咪整天都為著醫務和家務之事而勞碌, 一面慳儉治家, 設法將這家再建立起來. 均能維持供給各子女受高等教育.
They bought a house in November 1953 at 板樟堂街 22A Domingos Street. The back of the house was so deteriorated that it was about to collapse. Therefore they rebuilt it in concrete. They used the second floor as the clinic, and the third floor as their home. It was since then that they were having a safe home and meaningful occupation. My mother toiled all day for the medical practice and household matters. She was frugal to a fault in managing the home, doing all she could to rebuild the family. She was able to provide for all of the children with higher education.
但美景不長存, 1967 年共産黨大暴亂民心恐慌, 紛紛逃走, 成十室九空, 影響業務一落千丈了. 爹哋決心要停業往加拿大. 唯是那時候有千萬人都在等候申請出國, 他們就先往台灣避一避. 媽咪回顧自己多年來的心血, 興起這家, 一旦又遭傾家蕩產, 是多麼痛心呢!
But good time just would not last. Huge riots by the communist party occurred in 1967, which scared the residents. Many fled quickly, leaving so many empty houses. Their business was negatively affected and plummeted by so much that when my father evaluated the situation, he decided to stop the practice and move to Canada. There were thousands upon thousands of people applying to go abroad. They then went to Taiwan temporarily. And recalling their years of blood-letting effort, having raised the family, and suddenly having lost it all, it was so heart-breaking for my mother.
在台北租一房間住下, 自己煮食. 這無聊好閑的生活實在令媽咪心裡無比的憂愁, 過日如過年的等候領事的消息. 到1968年得到加拿大領事館的批准書, 不勝歡喜, 即乘機前往加拿大.
They rented a room somewhere in Taipei. They cooked their own food. This boring time, day after day, really caused so much concern and stress on my mother. Passing a day was like passing a year, waiting for news from the Canadian consul. Finally, in early April 1968 they received immigration papers from the Canadian Consulate. They were indeed very happy. They flew immediately to Canada.
在 Montreal 他們和啟鴻住在啟文家. 不過啟文與國圓不久就往美國, 媽咪留下來看顧一峯到 一年後租期滿了才帶一峯去美國 Ames 啟文家住數月. 到啟文碩士畢業, 他們就在 Boston 住到1970年2月, 爹哋和媽咪然後到Calgary和啟華住. 1973年6月9 號他們遷入自己的房子: 1420 Lake Ontario Dr., SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
They and 啟鴻 Kai Hung (David) lived at 啟文 Kaiman's home. But 啟文 Kaiman and 國圓 Kwo Yuan (Cathy) soon had to leave for the United States. My mother stayed behind looking after 一峯 Yi Feng (Birk). When the lease expired, they left with 一峯 Yeh Fung (Birk) to the states and stayed at 啟文 Kaiman's apartment in Ames, Iowa for a few months. When 啟文 Kaiman graduated with a masters degree they all left Ames for Boston, staying there till February 1970. My father and mother then went to Calgary to live with 啟華 Kai Wah (George). On June 9, 1973 they moved in to their own house: 1420 Lake Ontario Dr., SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
爹哋在 1973年 10月2日去世. 媽咪在自己家住到 2011年 1月 10日, 他摔倒在廚房裡, 不能起身.緊急醫療救護服務人員來檢查他. 第二天因為實在太弱, 無法行走, 媽咪就被帶到 Rockyview 醫院. 經過無數次試驗和觀察, 那裡的醫生決定不讓媽咪回家, 不給他自己一個人住在家裡. 于 2011 年 2 月 3 日, 當時他是98 歲, 他被送入 Carewest George Boyak (也稱為療養院). 從這時開始媽咪就住在那裡.
My father passed away on Oct 2, 1973. My mother had lived in that home by herself until an accident occurred. On January 10, 2011, she fell down in the kitchen and could not get up. The Emergency Medical Service (EMS) came and checked on her. She was taken to the Rockyview Hospital the next day because she was too weak to be able to walk. After numerous tests and observations, the doctors there decided not to allow her to go back home, and stay home by herself. She was admitted to Carewest George Boyak (aka nursing home) on Feb 3, 2011, when she was 98 years old, and had stayed there ever since.
當我於2017年6月3日星期六兩點鐘後到達時, 媽咪的第一件事是: 抱怨我把輪椅從她的床邊挪開了 (這樣我就可以接近她了).真是的, 她還以為她可以用輪椅走動. 幾天前 Cathy 和我給她寄了一封信, 建議她不要再自己去洗手間了.她就是這樣的獨立!
When I arrived sometime after two o'clock Saturday, Mom's first thing was: complained that I moved the wheel chair away from the side of her bed (so I could get close to her). She still thought she could use the wheel chair to move about. Indeed, Cathy and I sent her a letter just a few days ago advising her that she should not go to wash room by herself anymore. Such independence!
第二件事是媽咪打手勢指向她的右耳.我把助聽器放入她耳朵裡,也將新電池放入,但她仍然很怒, 因為我不能理解她.最後我給她看兩個助聽器電池門都打開,這樣就沒事了. 因為她不知道帶走助聽器的護士是否做到了這一點.事實上, 她是不想浪費電池. 她就是這樣的節儉! 當我十幾歲的時候,我在澳門看到她的賬簿,每一天用過的一分錢都有記錄.她就是這樣的節儉和有紀律.
Mom hand gestured on her right ear. I put the hearing aid on her ear; put in a new battery; she was still very irritated that I couldn't understand her. Finally I showed her that both battery doors of the hearing aids were open. That was then ok. She was not sure if the nurse who took the hearing aid out had done that. She didn't want to waste the batteries. Such frugality! Indeed, when I was a teenager, I saw her accounting book in Macau which showed that every cent was accounted for each day. Such frugality and discipline!
Within the last hour of her life, I woke her up and kept telling her that it was me there to be with her through the rest of her life. She opened her left eye. She seemed to recognize me. Then closed her eye, having squeezed out a drop of tear at the corner of her eye, showing me that she knew I was there and was comforted to know she was not alone. I could recall a similar situation when my little sister shed her tears in front of my mother upon her passing. How sad!
在媽咪生命的最後幾分鐘,她睜開了雙眼(雖然我和她在一起的時候只有左眼睜開了).她用清澈的眼睛看著我.我相信她在那一刻是重溫她的一生: 從進入醫學院只知道福州話到一個半月後能夠聽和說廣東話;完成了從7年壓縮到6年的課程,在 1938 年畢業.沒有時間有任何意義的浪漫.1939年結婚.並立即逃離,從廣州逃到了柳州(啟剛出生地),到雙潭㠊(麗雲出生地),到桂林(啟文出生地),到貴陽(總共直線距離585英里),又回到了桂林.他們在醫院,國際紅十字會和空軍工作.過了七年難以置信逃離的艱苦.日軍投降了,但蘇橋女,我的小妹妹不到一年的生命沒有了.又回到了廣州.他們在醫院工作.然後爹哋在澳門鏡湖醫院找到了一份好工作.兩年後自己開門營業.從1946年到1967,二十一年的辛勤工作和儲蓄,將所有五兒女完成大學教育。
During the last few minutes of Mom's life, she opened both eyes (although only the left eye was open since I was there with her). She was looking at me with clear eyes. I was sure she was at that moment reliving her whole life:
from entering medical college knowing only FuChow dialect to fluent Cantonese dialect in a month and a half; completed a compressed curriculum from seven years to six years, and graduated in 1938. There was no time for romance of any meaningful duration. They were married in 1939, and immediately fled together from Guang Zhou to Liu Zhou (where Kai Kong was born) to Shuang Tan Shu (Twin Lake Mountain) where Leven was born, to Kuei Lin (where Kaiman was born), to Gui Yang (total straight line distance 585 miles), and back to Kuei Lin. They worked in hospitals, International Red Cross and the Air Force. They went through 7 years of unbelievable fleeing hardship. Japanese surrendered but Su Qiao Nu, my next sister died days after with less than one year of life. They came back to Guang Zhou and worked in a hospital. Then Dad found a good job in Kang Wu Hospital in Macau. And went into self practice after 2 years. From 1946 to 1967, twenty one years of hard work and savings to provide for college education for all five children.
雙親幾乎把他們所有的財產用來供子女受教育;給麗雲到McGill大學;然後我到香港工專讀三年; 啟剛到珠海學院讀四年; 之後我去McGill大學; 給啟鴻到McGill大學,給啟華到香港工專讀二年,然後到 Southern Alberta 理工學院.
They used virtually all they had for our education; to put Leven to McGill University; put me through Hong Kong Technical College for three years; put Kai Kong through Zhu Hai College for four years; then me again to McGill University; David to McGill University; and George through Hong Kong Technical College for two years and then Southern Alberta Institute of Technology.
1967年由於共產黨的騷亂,他們先逃離到臺北,那時口袋內幾乎已經沒有錢.他們離開了酒店到一個租用的房間, 不得不在外面做飯. 媽咪的腦海中有重重的負擔, 和在逃離日本士兵沒有不同, 但這次是沒有工作, 沒有活動, 只是等待加拿大移民的許可. 這種焦慮是無法忍受的. 幸運的是, Cathy 畢業後立即成為加拿大居民, 並申請父母移民. 艱苦的七個月和一個星期的等待終於結束。
Because of the communist riots in 1967, they first fled to Taipei almost without any money. They got out of a hotel and rented a room, having to cook outside. Mom was equally stressed in her mind as in fleeing from the Japanese soldiers, but this time with no work and no activities, just waiting for the immigration paper to go to Canada. The anxiety was unbearable. Fortunately, Cathy graduated and became Canadian resident and applied for parents to emigrate. The grueling seven months and one week of waiting finally ended.
最令人欣慰的事之一是在1973年爹哋和媽咪買了自己的房子. 爹哋早上開車送媽咪去上班,晚上去接她,晚飯已經準備好了,一起吃.這是一個很好並且正常的,和平和令人滿意的家庭生活,但只有這樣短短的四月. 媽咪發現爹哋死在花園裡做著他喜歡做的事. 這是媽咪生命中的另一個心碎的情況!!
One of the most gratifying things for mom was having purchased her own home. Dad drove Mom to work in the morning and picked her up in the evening, having cooked dinner to eat together. That was a nice normal, peaceful and satisfying family life, but for such short four months. Mom found him dead in the garden doing what he loved to do. What another heart breaking episode of my mother's life!!
我的哥哥啟剛在那個時候的生活是很困難.他一生中的駝背不是天生的.當他們從桂林逃到貴陽路上,爸爸找到一輛無蓋的貨車來載他的工作人員和家人.當他將孩子扔到卡車上的接收者身上時,事故就發生在啟剛的身上. 媽咪感謝Cathy給她的忠告和説明,助他買了一棟一個睡房的公寓,啟剛哥在那裡平安地生活到了最後.給我母親在生命中最大的遺憾一些安慰.順便說一句,啟剛哥從來沒有抱怨過他的不幸。
My elder brother Kai Kong's life at the time was very financially challenged. His haunch back was not born with. In fleeing from Kuei Lin to Gui Yang, Dad found a coverless truck to carry his staff and family. When he threw his toddlers over to a receiver on the truck, accident occurred to Kai Kong. Mom was thankful to Cathy for her advice and assistance to have purchased a one bedroom condo for Kai Kong, who lived there peacefully till the end of his life. This was a healing for my mother on her biggest regret in life. By the way, Kai Kong never once complained about the misfortune.
媽咪繼續工作,並還清了這兩個物業的抵押貸款. 媽咪一生中無什麼享受,但她還清貸款的那一刻, 一定是真的很快樂.她工作直到她的最後雇主與她在同一天退休.那時,媽咪是八十二歲。
Mom continued to work and paid off the mortgages for those two properties. Mom had not enjoyed much in life, but the moment she paid off the mortgages must have been a real pleasure. She worked until her last employer retired with her on the same day. At that time, Mom was 82 years old.
媽咪的眼睛開始轉成灰暗.她計畫了她的整個生活,包括她將如何離開這個身體和地球.她住在 Carewest George Boyak (養老院) 6年4月2天.她曾經是養老院裡最老的.她已足夠的看到在那裡的老人如何遭受最後生命的痛苦.她決定要用她自己的方式,由她自己控制.基本上她的日常生活包括閱讀聖經,每日看英文新聞報紙,重復的看幾百卷錄影帶,並堅持每天要去餐廳吃三餐.她最後吃的是星期五的早餐,之後醫生給我寫信說他不能繼續在餐廳裡吃飯了.因為媽咪可能有一場中風,導致她嚴重的斜靠著在輪椅的扶手上.媽咪當時在床上躺著,並知道永遠不能再行動.她立即按照她的計畫行事.她停止所有吃喝,拒絕所有的醫療援助.我到達後,我握著她的手,讓護士在她的腿上放一個注射管.然後,她每兩小時或者我們看到她感到疼痛或不舒服的時後注射一次止痛劑.
Mom's eyes were graying. She had planned her whole life including how she would leave this earth-bound body and earth. She had lived at Carewest George Boyak (nursing home) for 6 years 4 months and 2 days. At one time, she was the oldest in the nursing home. She had seen enough of the elderly there suffering the last of their lives. She wanted hers in her own way and controlled by her. Basically her daily routine included reading the bible, the daily news paper and watching repeatedly the several hundred video tapes, and insisting on going to the dining room for all 3 meals a day. Her last was Friday breakfast, after which the doctor wrote to me that they would not be able to continue her meals in the dining room because Mom had probably had a stroke that caused her to slouch severely against the arm rest of the wheel chair. Mom was then bed ridden, knowing full well that she would no long be mobile. She acted immediately according to her plan. She stopped eating and drinking and refused all medical aids. After I arrived, I held her hands and got the nurse to put an injection tube in her leg. She was then injected with pain suppressant every two hours or as we saw her feeling pain or irritated.
媽咪的眼睛慢慢地閉上,她的最後一口氣呼出.她將會在永生的路上遇見她的父母,兄弟和姐妹, 也會見到她的丈夫李大衛, 她的大兒子啟剛和她的小女兒蘇橋女.多麼有價值的人生,多麼有意義的生命. 她的性格:辛勤工作,獨立自立,節儉,勤奮,慷慨,和最重要的是堅持不懈,這些她給我的遺產會指導我的餘生.而且,我會在永恆的路上見到你,和你手牽手一起走到天堂。
Mom's eyes closed slowly, and her last breath breathed. She will meet her parents, brothers and sisters on the way to eternal life, and to see her husband David, her elder son Kai Kong and her little daughter Su Qiao Nu. What a worthwhile life; what a meaningful life. Her characters of diligence, independence, frugality, industriousness, generosity and most of all perseverance; they will be her legacy to me to guide the rest of my life. And, I will see you on the eternal path to walk hand-in-hand toward Paradise.
李葉華嬌醫生夫人生平大事記錄 (李啟文編修)
(A lot of the events in this chronology are centered on Kaiman Lee's family, however, it has included virtually all that were submitted by his siblings and relatives.)
1903-06-24: David D. Lee (李大衛) was born in Toy San (臺山), Canton (廣東), China. His father is Ying Man Lee (李英文) and mother Kwai Chong Chu (朱貴藏).
1912-06-28: Hazel Wah-Kiu Yip Lee (李葉華嬌)was born in Shanghai, China (Lunar calendar: 1912-05-14). Her legal birthday is May 14, 1913. Her father is Yeh Jia Heng (葉嘉亨) and mother Lin Jin Zhi (林金芝).
1929-00-00: Hazel Lee graduated from Min Ying (敏英)Junior High School.
1932-00-00: Hazel Lee graduated from Ancillary High School of Hua Nan Women's University (華南女子大學附屬中學).
1932-00-00: Hazel Lee entered Guang Zhou Xia Ge Women's Medical College (廣州夏葛女子醫學院), the name subsequently was changed to Ancillary Dr. Sun Yi Xian Medical College of Lingnan University (嶺南大學附屬孫逸仙博士醫學院).
1938-06-27: Hazel Lee graduated from medical college, and at the same time met with 77 Lugou Bridge Incident (七七盧溝橋事變), the beginning of the Second World War.
1938-00-00: Hazel Lee began working as a doctor in the surgery department of Bo Ji (博濟) Hospital in Guangzhou (廣州).
1938-00-00: David Lee was one of those who went back to China (from Canada) to serve during the Japanese invasion of China, and was a medical doctor at Guang Hua (光華) Hospital, Shao Guan Qu Jiang (韶關曲江). He went to Bo Ji (博濟) Hospital often to see friends and thus befriended with Hazel Lee.
1938-09-19: With the Japanese invasion advancing close to Guangzhou (廣州), Bo Ji (博濟) Hospital staff retreated to Shao Guan (韶關) and was set up at the He Xi (河西) Hospital across the river.
1938-09-21: Guangzhou (廣州) was taken by the Japanese.
1938-00-00: Afraid of Japanese invading Shao Guan (韶關), Bo Ji (博濟) Hospital staff retreated to Gui Lin (桂林).
1938-00-00: After knowing that Japanese would not invade Shao Guan (韶關), Bo Ji (博濟) Hospital staff returned to He Xi (河西) Hospital at Shao Guan (韶關); it turned out that David Lee's operation retreated to Gui Lin (桂林) two days ago.
1938-00-00: David Lee came by train to Shao Guan (韶關) to convince Hazel Lee to resign and leave; they left for Gui Lin (桂林) the next day, and participated in the works of the International Red Cross; David as captain and Hazel medical officer.
1939-04-10: David Lee and Hazel Lee were married with a banquet at Le Qun She (樂群社) Hotel, with five tables of colleagues and friends.
1939-12-26: Kai Kong Carl Lee was born in Liu Zhou (柳州) inside of a small guard house, with the team's nurse serving as the midwife.
1940-12-28: Leven Lee was born at Shuang Tan Shu (雙潭㠊), while lodging in a room in a small farmer's house, with David Lee and a nurse delivering.
1942-09-21: Kaiman Lee was born in a small bamboo hut beside a river at the Gui Lin (桂林) Seven Star Crags (七星岩), with David Lee and a nurse performing the delivery.
194?-00-00: International Red Cross was disbanded and David Lee opened a restaurant with a partner. It was closed after a few months due to lack of business. Then they rented a house and started their own medical practice, but with little business. Hazel Lee happened to see a classmate; his wife was a doctor who was about to give birth; she asked Hazel Lee to help on her medical check-up regiments. Hazel Lee went to the hospital every morning until afternoon, while they hired a maid to fill the slack.
194?-00-00: David Lee met a classmate who helped him fill the position of President of the Fourth Air Force Hospital, and they all moved to the hospital dormitory.
1944-09-18: News that the Japanese enemy would attack Gui Lin (桂林) forced the hospital to retreat to Gui Yang (貴陽). So-Kiu Lee (李蘇橋,nickname So-Kiu Nu 蘇橋女) was born in a train. They arrived Gui Yang (貴陽) after a three-month arduous trek, yet another retreat to Chong Qing (重慶) was brewing.
1945-09-02: Great news: Japanese surrendered! They soon started their journey back to Guang Zhou (廣州). When passing by Liu Zhou (柳州), the whole city of which was destroyed, they found a temporary shelter in a school classroom, and used the chalkboard as bed. Unfortunately, So-Kiu Nu (蘇橋女) was so sick with high fever of 105 ° and cramps that she passed away in her mother's arms.
1945-09-00: They hired a fishing boat to go from Liu Zhou (柳州) to Guangzhou (廣州), rented a small house and stayed.
1945-00-00: David Lee asked his friend Dr. Liang Xi Guang (梁錫光) for a loan and got 10,000 yuan, which sustained their living until the opening of the Guang Hua (光華) Hospital where David was to become director of surgery, and Hazel director of maternal gynecology. And they hired a maid named Ah Hao (阿好).
1945-00-00: Kai Kong (啟剛) and Leven (麗雲) started first grade primary school, and Kaiman (啟文) started kindergarten, and their lives achieved some semblance of stability since.
1946-06-00: With Dr. Liang Xi Guang (梁錫光) and other's recommendations David Lee went to Macau to work for Kiang Wu (鏡湖) Hospital for a much better salary. Hazel Lee stayed behind until November, while David had rented a house and had it furnished.
1947-03-20: George Kai Wah Lee (李啟華) was born in Kiang Wu (鏡湖) Hospital. Soon the hospital turned and adhered to the communist party, and raised the five-star flag. David Lee resigned and established his own medical practice. They rented the second floor of Da Nan Jewelry Store (大南金鋪) and Yan Jing Restaurant (燕京飯館) as their medical clinic and residence.
1948-11-10: David Kai Hung Lee, Jr. (李啟鴻) was born at their residence, and Ah Hao's (阿好) daughter Er Mei (二妹) came from their village in China to take care of the children.
1948-00-00: Kaiman Lee graduated kindergarten from Pui Ching School (培正).
1954-00-00: Kaiman Lee graduated primary school from Pui Do School (培道).
1954-01-31: They moved into their own house at 22A Domingos Street (板樟堂街) that they bought in November 1953 and had it renovated because of its deteriorated condition. They settled in using second floor as a medical clinic and third floor residence.
1957-07-02: Kaiman Lee graduated junior high from Lingnan School in Macau, and went to Lingnan High School in Hong Kong.
195?-00-00: David Lee and George Lee attended Pui Do School (培道), but because of its raising the communist's flag, parents had them transferred to Yuet Wah (粵華) College (English primary school) both at the lowest level of Class 4. At the time David was eight years old, having finished second grade and knew no English, and George was in fourth grade having taken some English. David jumped from form 4 to form 6, thus graduated one year earlier than George.
1958-09-08: After graduating from Lingnan High School in Macau, Leven Lee left home to go to McGill University in Canada.
1960-09-00: Kaiman Lee graduated high school and went to Hong Kong Technical College.
1963-07-01: Kaiman Lee graduated from Hong Kong Technical College, and took President's Line (steam ship) to Vancouver via Hawaii; then flew to Montreal to attend McGill University.
1964-00-00: David Lee was admitted by three universities in Canada and had chosen McGill University, but he was only 15 years old. He had to wait, so he studied in Sung Kei (崇基) College in Hong Kong for a year until he became 16 years old, meeting McGill's age requirement for entrance. David Lee flew to Montreal to attend McGill University.
1965-00-00: George Lee graduated high school from Yuet Wah (粵華) College, and entered a two-year program of Hong Kong Technical College
1966-05-00: Catherine Lee graduated from McGill University with M. Eng. degree.
1967-01-02: Kaiman Lee and Catherine Lee were married in Montreal.
1967-07-31: Birk Yeh Fung (一峯) Lee was born in Ottawa, Canada.
1967-09-08: Due to huge riots by the communists, David/Hazel Lee ended their 21 years of medical practice and departed Macau to go to Taiwan, via Hong Kong with a three-day stay over. Upon departure in Hong Kong on September 11, Kai Kong (啟剛), Yeh Ying Siang's (葉英想) family (also Xin Yan (新燕), Xin Yue (新月), etc.), and Zhu Hua cousins (朱華表嫂) all came to say good bye. They took the Chong Qing Steam Ship (重慶輪船) and arrived at Ji Long (基隆) dock on September 13. They were very warmly received by Hua Lan Yip (葉華瀾), Hazel Lee's younger brother, and Mr. and Mrs. Yang Ran (楊然), parents of Catherine Lee.
1967-09-13: They arrived Taipei by car and stayed in a hotel, but because of its high cost (NT$120/day) they rented a room (NT$1500/month, and cooked by themselves to save the little money they had, while waiting for news from Canadian immigration.
1967-00-00: George Lee flew to Calgary to attend Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT).
1968-04-19: About a week after receiving immigration papers from the Canadian Consulate, application having been made by Catherine Lee, they flew on Northwest Airlines to Vancouver, Canada, having waited in Taiwan for seven months and a week. They went to Victoria to stay for four days at the home of Pastor and Mrs. Liang Mei Fang (梁梅舫牧師師娘); then they went to Calgary to see Kai Wah (George 啟華), and relaxed for two days.
1968-04-26: They flew to Montreal to live at Kaiman's (啟文) home, 5741 Decarie Blvd., Apt. 3., Montreal; Kai Hung (David 啟鴻) was also living there.
1968-09-00: Kaiman, with Cathy went to Iowa State University to pursue a graduate degree, leaving his parents and Birk in Montreal.
1968-10-09: Kaiman graduated from McGill University with a B. Arch. degree.
1969-05-01: David/Hazel Lee left with Birk Yeh Fung (一峯) to the states by train and stayed at Kaiman's (啟文) apartment in Ames, Iowa, for just over four months.
1969-09-22: Kaiman (啟文) graduated with a M. Arch. degree. Kaiman and family traveled by car (Mercury Cougar) with a hitched trailer and arrived in Boston in a few days. They stayed at the Holiday Inn for a few days; then they moved to 1 Rosa St., Apt. 304, Boston.
1970-03-15: David/Hazel Lee arrived in Calgary to live with George Kai Wah (啟華) who was working then, after having considered living with David Jr. who was pursuing his Ph.D. at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, not necessarily a permanent place to live.
1971-04-15: David Lee started his travel by car to visit friends, via Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and then planned to go to Washington DC or New York City.
1971-05-23: Unfortunately, an accident occurred on Highway 40 somewhere. After two days and a night on a bus, David Lee arrived in Boston and stayed at Kaiman's home for a year.
1972-06-13: After having bought his own car (Buick Impala), David Lee drove back to Calgary. Since then they were permanent residents in Calgary. They stayed with George and Juanita at their purchased house at 2 Hardisty Place, Calgary.
1972-00-00: Hazel Lee started to work for separate families as home maker and baby sitter, having determined to earn and save, and buy her own house.
197?-00-00: George Lee sold his house.
1973-06-09: David/Hazel Lee moved into their home at 1420 Lake Ontario Dr., S.E., Calgary, AB, Canada.
1973-07-02: David/Hazel Lee went to Montreal to attend the wedding of David/Linda Lee.
1973-08-16: David/Hazel Lee arrived back home in Calgary, and Hazel Lee resumed working while David Lee drove her going and coming.
1973-10-02: Having gone through arduous travel and being tired, David Lee felt ill, and passed away in the garden at home, age 70.
1974-12-14: Kaiman Lee graduated from Texas A&M University with a Doctor of Environmental Design degree.
1978-00-00: Hazel Lee paid off the mortgage (five-year term) of her house.
1980-05-00: Kaiman Lee took Hazel Lee and Ping-Yueh Kuei Yang (his mother in law) to China while he was guest professor at the Chinese Overseas University (華僑大學) in Chuan Chow (泉州) for three weeks. They visited Fu Chow (福州), Xiamen (厦门), Su Chow (蘇州), Wu Shi (無錫), Shanghai (上海), Gui Lin (桂林), Liu Zhou (柳州), and Guangzhou (廣州).
1982-06-30: Hazel Lee retired on the same day when her last employer retired; she was 82 years old, at about the same time Kaiman/Catherine Lee moved to California.
1991-08-24: Hazel Lee attended Stephen Woo's wedding in Deep River, Ontario.
1992-06-27: Hazel Lee's 80th birthday dinner party at Bonavista Peking House, with 14 people including: Hazel Lee, Kai Kong Lee, Level/Paul/Emily Woo, Kaiman/Cathy/Birk/Yehoy Lee, George Lee, and David/Linda/Eric/Christopher Lee.
1992-07-05: After the birthday party, Hazel Lee took a trip to Lake Louise, Jasper, Athabasca Glacier, Maligne Lake and hot sulfur spring, Medicine Lake, with Kai Kong, Leven, George, Kaiman, Cathy, Birk, and Yehoy.
1994-11-08: Kai Kong Lee moved into his condo in Hong Kong that his mother bought for him.
2002-06-24: Hazel Lee's 90th birthday dinner party at Bonavista Peking House in 2 tables with 17 people including Kai Kong Lee, David/Linda Lee, Paul Woo, George Lee, David/Anna Yung, David/Lauren Lee, Christopher Lee, Kaiman/Cathy/Birk/Yehoy Lee.
2002-10-31: Kai Kong Lee passed away in Hong Kong, age 63 (official date of death; actual 62).
2004-02-12: Hazel Lee's cheeks and hands were all black; she was too tired; she pushed the Life Line button; emergency ambulance came; 10 minutes in ambulance and hooked up to IV; arrived at Rockyview General Hospital; extensive pneumonia (whole lung with bacteria) on all left chest; recovered.
2004-05-22: Kai-Kong Lee's burial memorial day in Hong Kong.
2004-08-14: Hazel Lee went on a seven-day Alaska Cruise (first time) on Holland America, with 16 people all together.
2005-03-06: Kaiman took Hazel Lee to Las Vegas for a six-day trip, and stayed at Imperial Palace Hotel and Casinos. While Hazel was on a wheel chair, they visited: Caesars Palace; Bellagio: conservatory of flowers; fountain music show; Boardwalk buffet; Monte Carlo; New York - NY: Statue of Liberty; MGM Grand: inside shops and lion's den; Mirage; Treasure Island pirate show; Venetian Hotel where Hazel spent a $2 roll of nickels on slot machine; Pisa tower; Guggenheim Egyptian Museum hotel; Hawaiian Marketplace: street shops; Aladdin Desert Passage; Viva Las Vegas! American Superstars imitations; Stratosphere observation platform; Paris Las Vegas: Eiffel Tower; and Flamingo. They took a coach tour to Hoover Dam and Grand Canon.
2005-06-26: Hazel Lee had her 93rd birthday dinner at Central Grand Restaurant with 21 people in 2 tables; Mr. Mew's sudden coming to the banquet shocked and delighted Hazel who had believed he would not come.
2006-06-09: Hazel Lee had her 94th birthday dinner with Kaiman, David and Anna Yung at Central Grand Restaurant.
2007-06-23: Hazel Lee had her 95th birthday, in attendance were Leven, Kaiman/Cathy/Birk/Yehoy, David/Linda, Christopher/Trish Lee, Thomas/Angela Chen, Leo/Nancy Mok, Diane/Bob Pomeroy, Terry/Andrew Lau, John/Helen Chang, David/ Lingwan Chang, Tin Man/Julie, Sue Scott and Dax Lydiard (neighbors), Christine/Kenny and mother, William/Alice Lau, and Jacob/Elsie Wiebe.
2007-08-11: Hazel Lee attended Emily Woo's wedding in Deep River, at her mother Leven Woo's home.
2009-06-04: Hazel Lee and Kaiman had a 6-day trip to Honolulu, Oahu Island, Hawaii and stayed at Ohana West hotel; free shuttle to Moana Surfrider Hotel (by Westin); sat at bar, 20 feet from Waikiki beach; Mom touched the sand on the beach; had Hawaiian Luau (at Paradise Cove); Hazel's right foot darkened probably with cellulitis; legs hurting and very weak; fingers and whole body shaking. Kaiman washed her whole body and let her sleep. Hazel might have "walked" the last time with my assistance. After attending Yehoy/Mona Lee's wedding reception on a wheel chair, Hazel and Kaiman flew back to Calgary on June 16.
2009-09-04: 11-day Alaska Cruise (second time) on Sapphire Princess: Kaiman drove Hazel Lee to Vancouver with a night's stay at Hope (Maple Leaf Motel, room #129).
2010-05-08: 11-day Alaska Cruise (third time): Kaiman drove Hazel Lee to Vancouver with a night's stay at Hope (same Maple Leaf Motel; same room #129 that Hazel remembered). On return trip, left Vancouver at 9:30am, with 3 pit stops and 2 McDonald's stops; no dinner; arrived home at 11:30pm Calgary time.
2010-06-25: Hazel Lee had her 88th birthday dinner party at Central Grand Restaurant: Dianne/Bob Pomeroy; Nancy/Leo Mok; David/Anna Yung; Kaiman/Cathy/Birk; David/Linda = 12 person table.
2011-01-10: Hazel Lee fell down in the kitchen, and was taken to Rockyview Hospital the next day. Medical Condition/Assessment: Hazel's sudden weakness was caused by a significant amount of blood loss due to multiple stomach ulcers. The ulcers were most likely caused by the medication that was recently prescribed to her to combat the ear infection that she had. The ear infection had gone down, and she had been removed off of the previous medication. Although recovered in the hospital, the doctor would not allow her to go home and live alone, so Hazel waited there for an assignment to a nursing home.
2011-02-03: Hazel Lee was admitted to Carewest George Boyack Care Center (aka nursing home), when she was 98 years old, and had stayed there ever since.
2011-02-11: On Kaiman's visit with Hazel Lee while staying at home, she fell down in a lady's bathroom in Lake Bonavista Mall; her shoulder bones were dislocated; went to Rockyview 8 am Monday 2/21; fixed bone dislocation; EMS transported her back to Carewest George Boyack at about 3pm.
2012-05-12: Hazel Lee had her 100th birthday dinner party at Central Grand Restaurant with five tables of relatives and guests.
2012-07-02: Hazel Lee had her actual 100th Birthday; Kaiman went with his mother to Forbidden City Restaurant for one fish two ways to eat; she really enjoyed it, and stripped it with only bones left.
2012-12-28: Hazel Lee moved from her two-person room to a single-preson room.
2014-05-02: Birk's family (Birk/Christie/Allison) and Kaiman visited Hazel Lee. Hazel was happy to see them and played a lot with Allison. Birk and Kaiman built shelves to hold VHS tapes.
2017-05-30: (Tuesday) Hazel Lee [might have a stroke, with her tongue hard of movement] refused to go to the hospital and refused all food/drink and medical care.
2017-06-02: (Friday) Knowing that Kaiman would be arriving on Saturday, Hazel Lee had her breakfast in the dinner room; and Dr. R.J. Addison put her on "comfort care."
2017-06-03: (Saturday) Kaiman Lee arrived at Carewest George Boyack at just before 3pm; had nurse put an injection port in her leg, and pain reliever injection was administered whenever she seemed to be of pain.
2017-06-05: (Monday) Hazel Lee passed away at 2:14 pm with his son Kaiman Lee at her side at Carewest George Boyack, after having spent her last six years, four months and two days there.
2017-06-10: (Saturday) Hazel Lee's funeral service was held at Foster's Garden Chapel, Funeral Home & Crematorium, and buried on the left of her husband David D. Lee (Kai Kong Lee's urn is in the middle) at Queen's Park Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were Kaiman Lee, David Woo, Christopher Lee, George Lee, Yehoy Lee, and Birk Lee.
MEMORY OF Dr./Mrs. Hazel Wah-Kiu Yip Lee by her grandson Birk Yeh-Fung Lee
Dr. Hazel Lee has always been known to me as "MaMa" in Cantonese, instead of grandma in English. During my early days as a toddler in Auburndale (Mass.) MaMa and my grandfather "YeYe" took care of me for a brief time. From what I've been told, my first language was Cantonese, of which I'm sure can be attributed to both my grandparents.
Although my memories from that early an age are sparse, I remember that MaMa would regularly peel and cut me fruit before going to bed at night. I don't recall if I was fussy about hurrying her to get the fruit ready for me, but I do remember that she was very deliberate in the preparation of the fruit, could not be rushed, and that whatever waiting that I had to do was richly rewarded with a "dessert" that was always delicious.
I've been told by my father, Kaiman, that I was notoriously a difficult eater when I was a toddler. MaMa would feed me for 2+ hours for a meal, and even then hours after a meal, she would occasionally find my mouth still full with food from hours earlier. One of my earliest memories of MaMa was when she was feeding me tomato soup. I didn't think that it was salty enough, so I added salt. Naturally, it was then too salty, so I thought I'd make it less salty by adding the opposite, pepper. Well then it was too spicy, so I had to counteract that, so I added more salt. Well this went on a few times back and forth until the soup was truly inedible. To this day I don't know if MaMa let me do this "experiment" so I would "learn a lesson" in food chemistry, or to just not be so picky and just eat my food. It's sad to say that I didn't recall this story in my later years with MaMa, and never asked which it was.
I can't quite recollect from my toddler years specific times of MaMa and her "expressions", but I do recall them none the less: A quick slap/swat on my hand to not touch something, to tell me that I had done something wrong, or to just get my attention. A most sincere and jovial laugh. And of course her jeering, unwavering, staring eye used in conjunction with her pointed index finger to emphasize something with me (most likely a stern warning just before I got into some serious trouble).
During my early adult years, my parent's and brother would occasionally visit MaMa in Calgary from California. I don't know if she cooked it specifically for me, or if was one of her regular dishes, but I loved eating the Soy Sauce Chicken that she would cook for us to eat. On our visits, we would often go out to eat Chinese restaurants and buffets. I'd get the "eye" treatment when I didn't do something properly or if I was just eating too much. I guess times had changed since I was a toddler and not eating!
Something that anyone could never miss when visiting MaMa was how well organized her house was. Everything had it's place. I mean really had it's PLACE. If you put something in the wrong place, she would tell you, or it would just get moved to the right place quickly. Nothing ever just sat around waiting to get "put back". MaMa's basement was essentially her cold storage room, where her cookies and snacks were stored, and most importantly bananas were laid out from green to yellow to ripen for her "picking". :)
A few times while visiting, we tried to bring MaMa "up to the times" and introduced her to video phones, computers, etc. I always thought that her life could be enriched if she could incorporate some technology into her life. She never bit, and stayed tried and true to her VCR, tube TV, printed bible, and daily newspaper for the rest of her life. MaMa was a person of habit, and nothing was ever going to break that. I really wanted to have her online so I/everyone could email, share photos, etc, but my only remote communication with her was via letters and the phone (landline!). Instead I was relegated to only postage paid mail and the phone, neither of which I ever did much of. Over a phone call, I would try to drum up some of my old Cantonese that had faded during my childhood, but I think my poor pronunciation and vocabulary would just confuse MaMa. It was difficult to communicate over the phone with her, but I should have learned from my father, that just being on the phone with her was all that MaMa needed.
One of the visits to Calgary was due to the passing of MaMa's oldest child Karl. I remember her saying that it was the saddest thing to have a mother see one of her children die. On that visit, a lot of emotions came out, as well as stories that had been stored in MaMa's head for decades. I had heard some of the stories in the past, but to hear them directly from MaMa made them really touch home. Sadly, the passing of her child, is just one of the many sad stories that MaMa had endured over the majority of her long life. To many people who may not know MaMa very well, she may have seemed rigid and stand offish, but I don't think anyone today could go through what she had, and still be as alert and strong as she was, especially for someone over the century mark.
My wife, Christie, and/or my latest trips to Calgary were to introduce my 2 kids to MaMa. My youngest was less than 2 years old, so I'm blessed to know that MaMa had met both of her great-grandchildren, which she had been more-than-hinting at for quite some time from me. The most memorable portion of those trips was how happy and caring MaMa was for my kids. And as with me as a toddler, there was MaMa feeding her great-grandchild and giving them an "evil" eye when they didn't listen to her.
MEMORY OF Dr./Mrs. Hazel Wah-Kiu Yip Lee by her son Kaiman Lee
From the moment I had memories, my mother was always busy. A helper was hired, but my mother was still busy all day long. When I was 14 years old, I went to Hong Kong to study in high school. Since then, my time with my mother was lacking. Our father was a relatively old-fashioned head of the family. He concentrated on doing well in treating patients, but he also enjoyed his social life, such as playing bridge, and playing mahjong with friends. But mother had no time off, toiling among the operation of the family, the business of the clinic, the school education of the children, and the family's food and clothing, which were all her responsibilities.
I remember when I was a child, I accompanied her to the market to buy food. She always thought about how to give her family a good nutritious meal. At 11pm, she was still ironing clothes under the lamp. I never knew when she would fall asleep. Even though I was very young at the time, I could already feel that my mother's hard work was endless. At that time, I respected her, with pity and love.
Not only was she meticulous and hard-working, she was single-minded with our father to provide the best education for their children. In the difficult years of the 50s and 60s, besides our elder brother who went to college in Hong Kong, my parents put all four of us to universities in Canada. Every time one child was sent away, they ran out of all their savings and had to start to save again. Although it was very hard, they were very comforted knowing that it would constitute their most meaningful life. They did their best and gave their all to pave ways for their children toward knowledge seeking. I will forever remember and be grateful of their love that could not be repaid.
My mother was a strong, courageous, independent, caring person, but she was not good at expressing her feelings. Her outlook were serious and people were respectful and afraid of her. When we were young, we initially lived on Sun Ma Lo(road) in Macau. The children had no place to play. My mother seriously forbade us from going to the rooftops. At that time, the rooftop was completely without security equipment. It was very dangerous. On one occasion, I went there to fly a kite. She knew afterwards, and she relentlessly beat me up, forcing me to remember the lesson. During a Chinese New Year, she did not allow us to play firecrackers. I noticed she was watching when I was holding a lit firecracker in the alley way. I was so scared and hid it behind my back. The firecracker blew up behind me. I did not dare to cry out even though my little fingers were blown up so badly that mother was in pain. When I was studying at Pui Dao Primary School, I broke the teacher's silver flute and my parents were called to the principal's office to make up for the damages. I was also beaten up by my mother. These severe corporal punishments may not be acceptable today, but for me, the lessons for discipline and self-control of my naughty personality have a great influence on me, which has benefited me for life.
Later, my parents bought a house at 22A Rua do Domingo, the first floor being rented to others for a shop, the second floor being the clinic, and the third floor as our residence. When I got a new bicycle, I was so excited to bring it down from the second floor. I fell over the stairs and the brake lever was inserted into my left arm, and I was totally disoriented. Fortunately, my home was a clinic. My mother took the brake lever out on the spot, immediately placed me upstairs on the operating table and my father gave me surgery. I do not know how much in life I had given them worry. We only saw the strict discipline and instructions of our mother, seemingly against us, but we did not understand how much love and hope there were behind them!
My mother was most frugal on family expenses. She wrote down every penny and dime used. I remember her diary and accounting book, a memorandum that she must write every day without fail. She kept records on that book under the lamp every night. In my mind, our tuition fees, travel expenses, and living expenses were accumulated bit by bit that way.
Like many Chinese intellectuals who came to the United States and Canada, our mother could not continue her medical profession in Calgary, but she was brave enough to work as a home helper, be proud of herself, not dependent on her children, lived in dignity, and used her own hands to support herself. She lived with an utmost peace of mind. She was willing to help others and made significant contributions to her church, being a devout Christian.
In her late years, mother and I had opportunities to travel together. She liked to cruise and see shows. The last time was when I took her to Hawaii, but her body was already very weak. When we were together, she liked to talk about the past, used her life experience to continue to teach us and care for the family. Her whole life had been dedicated to the Lee's. In her last two years of life, she often talked about how she regretted not being able to serve her parents. In an era of great changes, many of their generations of Chinese people have such regrets!
Our mother came from a middle-class family in Fuzhou and left home to study. She went through several wars and abandonment of her homes. She stood up perseveringly and established a family, loved us, raised her children, served her husband, and persisted in her arduous work, and served the Lord, and finally finished living her life. The noble sentiments, I respect, I miss, I admire. Mammy, I love you, you will always be in my heart.
李葉華嬌醫生夫人生平自傳上卷 (媽咪回憶錄上卷)
AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Dr./Mrs. Hazel Wah-Kiu Yeh Lee - Part 1
父親葉嘉亨與母親林金芝,福建古田人,我原有兄弟姐妹八人,不幸兩個弟弟因病先後去世,所以現在我尚有二兄 (華崧華瀾) 下有一弟 (華菖) 二妹 (華姯華嫦),他們除華瀾是在台灣之外,其餘的均在大陸內地.
Family Background
My father 葉嘉亨 Yeh Jia Heng and mother 林金芝 Lin Jin Zhi are native of 古田 Gu Tian town, 福建 Fu Jian province. I have had eight siblings. Unfortunately, two younger brothers had diseased due to illness. Therefore, I now still have two senior brothers 華崧 Hua Song, 華瀾 Hua Lan and a younger brother 華菖 Hua Chang, two younger sisters 華姯 Hua Guang, 華嫦 Hua Chang. Other than 華瀾 Hua Lan who resides in Taiwan, the remainders are in China.
我的父親生於一個很平常的家庭, 祖父葉頌林為牧師,祖母生有三男一女,我的父親居二, (三叔逝世先于我出世),因祖父月薪無幾,很難供給兒女受高級教育,但他領導兒女信主為忠心的基督徒,我父親之品行自幼則知勤學讀書,自修英文,歡喜看雜誌與報紙,他經常對兒女說看報紙有很多好處,不但知世界新聞,還能增廣知識,就因為他自己用功的緣故,則他的學問是超于他諸兄弟們. 到他二十歲左右則考入海關内班之職,據我母親說,當初父親每月月薪只有25元供養全家,唯是父親德行善良,無何嗜好,不飲酒,不吸煙,不賭博,是一個熱心事奉主的基督徒,記得屢次被邀請在教堂演講,受多人欽佩,在海關裡亦素稱為忠實盡責的人,所以逐步升級,最後升為第二縂稅務司,在三都澳江門海關為關長. 他對於兒女是注重教育,送每個兒女入最好的基督教學校讀書,直到讀完大學.我的母親沒有讀什麼書,是結婚後父親常教她,所以她可以識字寫信等, 她是一個勤樸的家庭主婦, 也不吹不飲不賭,以理家養兒過一生.
My father grew up in a traditional family. My grandfather 葉頌林 Yeh Song Lin was a minister. My grandmother had three sons and one daughter, my father being the second, and the third uncle passed away before I was born. Due to the low income of my grandfather, it was very hard to provide higher education for the children. But, he led the children to become abiding Christians. My father's virtue of studying hard had led him to self-learning English, and enjoying reading magazines and newspapers. He often told his children about the value of reading newspapers. Not only could we know world news, but also expand knowledge. Because of his hard work, his knowledge superceded that of his brothers. When he was about twenty years old, he passed the exams and became an internal officer of the Customs Department. According to my mother, my father's salary started at $25 per month which was all there was for the whole family. It was possible mainly due to my father's virtuous character, lack of addictions, abstinence of liquor, smoking and gambling, and being a sincere Christian. I recall that he was frequently invited to give sermons in the church. He was well respected. In the Customs Department, his being considered honest and accountable allowed him to quickly rise in ranks, and alas he became the deputy chief administrator, positioned at 三都澳江門 San Dou Ao Jiang Men customs as chief customs officer. He emphasized education for the children and sent them to the best Christian schools through college completion. My mother did not have any formal education. Her education was taught by my father, sufficient to read and write letters. She was a hard working housewife, also did not smoke, nor drink, nor gamble. Her whole life was dedicated to the well being of the children.
The Period of Education
First of all, I must thank Jesus for my having been born in a Christian family. Secondly, I am grateful for my parents' love and generosity. At their time, their concept of not valuing boys over girls was considered progressive. It was because of the gender neutral thinking that boys and girls would get equal education, that I am so fortunate to be what I am today.
我和哥哥都是在上海出世, 而後因父親被調回福州, 所以即遷回福州居住, 最初住那間屋名 "明月山館", 內有六間房屋, 我們住兩間,(因祖母與堂家姐華娟是與我們同住),當時父親請一位男家庭教師教我們補習各類的科目,準備投考學校,第二年我考入敏英女子學校第三年級,這間學校是福州最高等的基督教學校,很宏偉,有三座大課室,兩座宿舍,廣大校園與操場,我一直在這間學校讀完初中畢業,父親又被泒往三都沃,我母親隨之而往,因此而後則為寄宿生,每星期六下午回家看祖母,但我母親每年都回來一兩次看我們,每次回來一趟,做很多食物如糖果,花生糖,炒米餅,年糕和各種滷味等,這一切都是我歡喜吃的,永致不忘記.
My elder brother and I both were born in Shanghai. We went back to 福州 Fu Zhou because of my father's job transfer. At the beginning we lived in a house called 明月山館 Ming Yue Shan Guan. There were six rooms. We resided in two because our grandmother and our cousin 華娟 Hua Juan lived in the same house. Father hired a tutor to give us supplemental lessons in order to achieve better results for school entrance examinations. I was accepted to the third grade of 敏英 Min Ying girls junior high school which was the most reputable Christian school in 福州 Fu Zhou, very majestic, with three large classrooms, two dormitory buildings, and a very large campus with a field for physical exercises. I continued my study there until I graduated from my junior high school. Then, father got transferred back to 三都沃 San Dou Ao, with mother following. Therefore I resided in a dormitory, and went back to see my grandmother every Saturday. But my mother came to see us every year, bringing lots of food such as confectionaries, peanut candy, fried rice cake, new-year cake and all kinds of stewed meat, all of which I liked, and I still could recall the feeling and taste.
附錄我家的屋的來由,忘記了何年何月,我父親買一塊很大的地,在倉前山對湖,聽母親說是海關每七年有一年的紅利,就利用這項款買了地,適當那時候父親的大哥 (伯父) 一家從南洋遷回福州,住在我家明月山館,他見到我父親所買的地,則想要之,後來我父親分一半地給他,因此大家就起屋,伯父的屋名叫"夢園",我父親的屋名叫"以園",意思就是以奉獻與神,正如神試驗亞伯拉罕,要他獨生兒子以撒献為燔祭 (創世紀二十二章),這是我父親解釋他之所以取此名的意義,我將之永銘于腦海中,我的母親就是住在以園,直到過世.當屋完成之後,伯父則遷入新屋,祖母和他同住,我們屋因為父親不在福州,所以全部出租,那時候我仍在敏英讀初中,大哥二哥已先後往上海讀大學,只剩我一人在伯父家出入.
The following is an appendix of how we had our house. My father bought a very large plot of land sometime ago, located beside a lake in front of 倉前山 Cang Qian Shan. I heard from mother that the Customs Department gave out a bonus once every seven years, and father used this sum to purchase the land. At the same time, father's elder brother came back from 南洋 Nan Yang (Indonesia or Malaysia) and stayed in our house. He saw father's plot of land and wanted part of it, and father gave him half. We then started to build our own houses, uncle's called 夢園 Meng Yuan, father's 以園 Yi Yuan. The name 以園 Yi Yuan was to connote givings to God, as God's test of Abraham demanding that he gave up his only son for sacrifice (chapter 22 of 創世紀 Genesis). This was my father's explanation of why he used such a name, and I had etched it in my mind forever. My mother lived in that house till she passed away. When the houses were built, uncle moved in and lived with grandmother. Ours was rented out because father was not in 福州 Fu Zhou. I was still in junior high at 敏英 Min Ying. Elder and second brothers went to universities in Shanghai, leaving me singly in and out of uncle's house.
I graduated from junior high school in 1929, and was immediately transferred to the ancillary high school of 華南 Hua Nan Women's University, which was also a Christian college, widely reputed. I was a boarding student during the first year. I and my elder brother moved into our own house because he had graduated from university and passed the examination for a job in the Customs Department in 福州 Fu Zhou. Since then, in addition to study, I had home making duties such as cooking and clothes washing.
I graduated high school in 1932, and applied to 廣州 Guang Zhou 夏葛 Xia Ge Women's Medical College because there was not a women's medical college in 福州 Fu Zhou. During the beginning of my second year there, the college was combined with 嶺南 Lingnan University, and changed its name to Ancillary Dr. 孫逸仙 Sun Yi Xian Medical College of 嶺南 Lingnan University. It also changed the seven-year study to a six-year course. Therefore I graduated from the medical college in 1938, and my class was the first to graduate from Dr. 孫逸仙 Sun Yi Xian Medical College, with seven graduates, six women and one man.
1. 當時我看一般大學畢業的女生都不出于為教員之範圍, 這不是我所喜悅的職業.
2. 因為我父親曾經說過一句,我甚希望在我諸兒女中有一個能學成醫生就好,當時我雖然還是很幼小,但他這句話是永記心中.
Reasons for my studying medicine:
1. I observed that most college graduates were teachers and in education, which was not what I liked.
2. I recalled my father having said that he hoped to have one of his children in medicine. Even though I was young then, but I committed his words in my mind.
3. During one summer my brother and I went to 江門 Jiang Men to visit my parents for vacation. Mother said to me one day that a grown girl must be married, but she must have knowledge and skill, so that when an unpredictable event occurred in the future, such as an uncaring or diseased husband, she still could make a living on her own, and not be in despair hopelessly. Her wisdom gave me tremendous encouragement.
Because of the three reasons above, I decided to choose medicine. On the one hand, I could fulfill my father's wish, and on the other, I hope to be a doctor in a society where I could aim to help people.
當我已決定讀醫之後,我則獨身前往三都沃與父母相聚兩星期,他們十分高興我選擇醫科,父親即代我打電報去夏葛報名,過二天後,則得到回報許可,這種報名法也出人驚奇之事,在這兩星期中我父母常帶我玩山蕩水,很多次吃晚飯後全家人去海邊沙灘,乘涼賞月,其樂無比,母親常備海鮮蝦蟹給我吃,想到此口水已出.自三都沃回來福州之後,自己準備收拾行裝,于九月初啟程,大哥送我到馬尾 (因為輪船是停泊馬尾海港),從福州城坐小輪船一小時半到高馬尾,轉乘四海大輪船往香港,當大哥要與我分手時,我自感孤單無依,心裡不禁恐慌流淚,幸好在船上遇見一位女子的行李寫名黃淑姜,地址廣州夏葛醫學院,因此和她招呼,知她已讀兩年了,這次是回去上學,則無意中得個同伴,使我安心.
After I decided to take on medicine, I alone went to 三都沃 San Dou Ao to stay with my parents for two weeks. They were very happy to know of my choice in medicine. Father immediately telegrammed my application for admission to 廣州 Guang Zhou 夏葛 Xia Ge Medical College. It was only two days when I got the reply of admission, which could be considered an unbelievable way to register. During these two weeks, my parents took me to travel, and many times went to the beach after dinners, where we watched the moon and enjoyed the breeze, exceedingly happy. Mother often prepared seafood including shrimps and crabs for me, salivating while recalling this. After getting back to 福州 Fu Zhou, I packed luggage for September departure. Elder brother sent me to 馬尾 Ma Wei because the ship was anchored at 馬尾 Ma Wei Bay. It took one and a half hours to get to 高馬尾 Gao Ma Wei where a transfer to a cruise ship was made for Hong Kong. I felt so alone without someone to lean on when I said good bye to my elder brother. I was afraid and cried. Fortunately I met a woman with a name on her luggage tag being 黃淑姜 Huang Shu Jiang, addressed to 廣州 Guang Zhou 夏葛 Xia Ge Medical College. I said hello to her, then found out she had been studying there for two years. She was going back to continue her study. I was so comforted that I unintentionally got a companion.
輪船航程經廈門汕頭要三日三晚才到香港,到香港後我們入旅店過一晚,翌日乘廣州渡船入廣州,到夏葛女子醫學院為寄宿,過兩天後教務長要我考入學試,還記得只有我一人在圖書館裡,受口試與筆試,考英文數學物理化學以及作一篇文章,幸好各科均及格,分數亦佳,開學起初一段時期深感困難,痛苦,因為言語不通,聽不懂講書,都要借別人筆記來抄,還好得淑姜和另一女子 (福州人) 的幫忙, 教我講廣東話,過一個多月後,我則會完全說廣東話,同時也可以寫筆記了.
It took three days and nights to pass through 廈門 Xia Men and 汕頭 Shan Tou before arriving at Hong Kong. We stayed in a hotel for one night, and took a short boat ride to get to 廣州 Guang Zhou. We boarded at 夏葛 Xia Ge Women's Medical College. Two days later, the dean of the college wanted me to take an entrance examination. I still could remember I was alone in the library taking oral and written exams. The subjects covered were English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and an essay. Luckily I passed all of them with good marks. It was very difficult and painful during the beginning of my study there. That was mainly because of a new ethnic language (Cantonese) that I didn't know before, not understanding the class lectures but having to borrow others' notes to copy. Fortunately, 黃淑姜 Huang Shu Jiang and another woman from 福州 Fu Zhou taught me Cantonese. After a little over a month, I was able to speak Cantonese completely, and could write class notes.
夏葛 Xia Ge Medical College was within 柔済 Rou Ji Hospital, located at 荔枝灣 Li Zhi Wan. Dr. 孫逸仙 Sun Yi Xian Medical College was built in front of 博濟 Bo Ji Hospital. Because it was newly built, it was very majestic, located at 長堤太平南路 Chang Di Tai Ping South Road. We the students boarded at the dormitory of the 柔濟 Rou Ji Hospital. It took about twenty minutes to half an hour of bus ride to get to class. Only those in 婦產科 gynecology were having classes at the 柔済 Rou Ji Hospital, while interns boarded at various places depending on their assignments.
淑姜 Shu Jiang and I went back to 福州 Fu Zhou for vacation during the summer of our second year, and back to 廣州 Guang Zhou in September for the next semester. However, during the third summer, I contracted with intestinal fever, had to be an in-patient at the 柔済 Rou Ji Hospital, and could not take exams, nor get back home. I convalesced at the dormitory after having recovered from the illness, and prepared for supplemental examinations at the same time. I went back home for summer vacation during my fourth year, and my father had already moved back to 福州 Fu Zhou, living at 以園 Yi Yuan. When I got home, I was surprised and sad to see him having a cast on his left arm due to a broken bone caused by a fall. After the graduation examination of the fifth year, I was an intern and could not go home. Since then I have not seen my relatives except my younger brother 華瀾 Hua Lan in Taiwan.
Medicine was really not an easy subject to study. According to my experience, you would not likely succeed if you did not have a determined and unwavering goal, were not persistently focused and worked hard. Just on the subject of human anatomy, as soon as I entered the anatomy room, I was so scared that I shook all over and didn't know what to do when I smelt the stench of a carcass. I got used to it shortly after, although I was still a bit afraid when I was studying there alone. I had gotten over it because of my will to succeed in my study. To have an examination of all the subjects covering all five years was not only worrisome, but very difficult. Standing up the bed board to study was an appropriate metaphor for that challenge. After passing that exam, the next painful work was being an intern, practically working in the hospital all day, reviewing patient cases, and testing blood, urine and stool, etc. I would not have scheduled time to eat or sleep when there came a sudden burst of patients or patients with critical conditions. I worried and worried upon the examination of every subject at patient's bedside. If I encountered an easy case, it would be almost at the mercy of luck, or it could have been a big headache. It was the last hurdle to go over.
除此之外尚有一件最麻煩腦的事, 就是寫論文,我選擇論文的題目"孕吐" (Toxie of Pregnancy). 這題目是屬於婦科的病症,婦科是以柔済醫院為主要,當時我是住在博済醫院,晚上除著值班之外則回去柔濟醫院之圖書館與病歴室尋找關於孕吐的病症為資料,結果我收集一百個之病症為這篇論文之憑証,回憶每次在哪裡收集資料都到深夜後,才坐公共汽車回去博濟,該時汽車上乘客已寥寥無幾,有時只剩我一人,而且從柔濟醫院門口要走過一段很長的黑暗路巷才到馬路停車站,當行那條路之時,心中抱著恐慌,憂慮遇到惡人,現在想起那個情景,我的毛管已鬆弛了,實在為著學業的問題,一切的艱難都忍受吧.
Apart from all those mentioned, the most difficult and worrisome thing was the thesis. I chose the thesis subject of 孕吐 (vomiting during pregnancy) Toxie of Pregnancy. This subject was a part of gynecology, and it was the main focus at 柔済 Rou Ji Hospital. I boarded at the 博済 Bo Ji Hospital. Other than taking my shift I always went back to the library of 柔済 Rou Ji Hospital to do my research on 孕吐 (vomiting during pregnancy) Toxie cases. I collected one hundred cases as the basis of evidence for my thesis. I recall every time in doing this till late, I had to walk a long stretch of a dark alley before getting to the bus station. I was very scared while walking there, afraid of encountering thugs. But now, even if I were to re-walk that path mentally, my mind is relaxed. For the sake of completing my education, I would persevere every difficulty.
Thank God for the success after six years of hard work. But, the most unfortunate thing about graduation was it met with七七盧溝橋事變77 Lugou Bridge Incident, the beginning of the Second World War, thus my class did not have our graduation ceremony. I was hired as a doctor at the surgery department in the 博濟 Bo Ji Hospital, when Dr. 梁錫光 Liang Xi Guang was the chief surgeon. He trusted me a lot, so much so that he allowed me to be his assistant during many surgery cases, which allowed me to gain quite a bit of courage and experience. Later, because of the urgency of the war situation, 博濟 Bo Ji Hospital was evacuated and relocated at 韶關曲江 Shao Guan Qu Jiang. I followed the hospital, but Dr. 梁錫光 Liang Xi Guang fled to Hong Kong.
李葉華嬌醫生夫人生平自傳下卷 (媽咪回憶錄下卷)
AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Dr./Mrs. Hazel Wah-Kiu Yeh Lee - Part 2
1938年我醫學院畢業之後,則授職于博濟醫院為駐院外科醫生,當時是譚約瑟醫師 (西方人) 為外科主任,梁錫光醫生為副主任,他們對我非常好感,時常給我機會做施手術之主持人,而他們為助手,因此使我感到精神上很暢快,致忘蚫了整天忙碌的辛苦.但是不幸適逢第二次世界戰爭的開端,幾乎日夜常有警報空襲之威脅,使日常工作都不安寧.
I was positioned as a doctor in the surgery department of 博濟 Bo Ji Hospital after my graduation in 1938. Dr. 譚約瑟 Joseph Tam, a Caucasian, was the chief surgeon, and Dr. 梁錫光 Liang Xi Guang was the deputy. They both felt good about me, often allowing me to lead a surgery, and they became assistants, which gave me a great spiritual uplift, forgetting having been busy all day without much rest. Unfortunately, it was at the beginning of the Second World War, having frequent siren alarms for aerial bombardment leading to uncomfortable working conditions.
該時加拿大政府發出告令,叫華僑學生誰願意回國服務者則可回去,爹哋則在其中之一,而回來中國服役,授職于韶關曲江行營為上校醫官,每有假時則下來廣州往博濟醫院探訪他的故友譚,梁等醫生 (爹哋在廣州光華醫院讀醫時常來博濟醫院做實習生,所以認識他們),亦跟隨他們來查房,因此我被他們介紹而認識了爹哋之名,不久以後爹哋再來博濟醫院探梁醫生,他說出心事給梁醫生告知,同時要梁醫生做媒人介紹我和爹哋做朋友,梁醫生首先申明說這個福州女葉華嬌素來是好靜,以學業工作為主題,雖然有許多男同學追她,但她都不歡喜與他們交際,所以不知道能成你之願望否,不如我介紹和她同班的黎懿德給你吧. 爹哋說 no, 他不喜歡她的容貌, 而且她的年歲老的 (這些是爹哋以後說給我知),梁醫生說,既是如此,我只盡力而為吧.那天黃昏時梁醫生曾來我房間打門,想找我出去會見爹地,但可惜我不在,致他們很失望,該晚爹地即要回去韶關,
At that time, the Canadian government announced that foreign students who would want to go to China to serve could leave. Daddy was one of those who went back to China to serve, and was given a job as上校醫官Colonel medical doctor at 韶關曲江 Shao Guan Qu Jiang. Whenever he had time off he came to 廣州 Guang Zhou to visit his good friends Dr. 譚 Tam and Dr. 梁 Liang at the 博濟 Bo Ji Hospital. Daddy knew them when he was studying medicine at the 廣州光華 Guang Zhou Guang Hua Hospital and came to 博濟 Bo Ji Hospital as intern. He often made duty calls to patients' rooms with them, thus I was introduced to him and knew his name. Daddy came to visit Dr. 梁 Liang not long after, and told him of his desire and wish that he would make friends between Daddy and me. Dr. 梁 Liang told him first of all that this 福州 Fu Zhou woman 葉華嬌 Yeh Wah Kiu was quiet in nature and quite focused on education and work. Although there were many men courting after her, she declined to befriend with them. Therefore he was not sure that he could get Daddy's wish fulfilled. What about introducing 黎懿德 Li Yi De to him instead. Daddy said no, that he didn't like her look, and she was a bit older than he was, which Daddy told me subsequently. Dr. 梁 Liang succumbed, and could only try his best. Dr. 梁 Liang came to knock at my door that evening hoping to get me to meet with Daddy, but too bad I was not there. They were very disappointed, and Daddy has to go back to 韶關 Shao Guan that night.
翌日晚上黎懿德忽然叫我去她的房間交談, 原來是梁醫生委托她做的, 說出爹哋一遍的家庭背景,學業之經歷以及失戀的事由,(爹哋來加之後住在梁梅舫牧師家裡,他們待爹哋算為家中一人,因爹哋是他們諸兒女中之年齡最大的,所以各人都叫爹哋為大哥,也幫牧師料理家務看顧小孩等等,日久和牧師之長女梁麗梨發生感情,他們都以為將來定會成婚,誰知當爹哋回國之後,梁麗梨則斷絕和爹哋通信,令爹哋莫名其妙,半年之後,梁麗梨給爹哋一封信說,我之所以不寫信給你的原因,是要試看你的心如何,爹哋則怒髮衝冠,從此之後和她絕交了,這是失戀之事由),我聽完之後,對黎懿德說不如讓妳進攻,因為我目前還未想到結婚之問題,但她含笑不言,這事對我只有感著為爹哋可憐,而可惜之同情,過不了幾天後,出乎意料之外接到一封信,封面上寫韶關行營寄的卻不在話是誰,拆開閱讀是一遍普通交談的英文信,當時我不大介意,只心説這個華僑定不識中文吧,既然是收到人家信則不知回不回呢,心裡忐忑不安,最後還是寫數字英文信回之,算為還這個禮就是.
Unexpectedly, 黎懿德 Li Yi De asked me to talk in her room the next night. Turned out that it was asked of her by Dr. 梁. Liang. She told me about Daddy's family and education background, and the cause of his break up with his girl friend in Canada. Daddy lived at Pastor 梁梅舫 Liang Mei Fang's home after his arrival in Canada. They considered Daddy a member of their family. Everybody called Daddy "big brother" because Daddy was the eldest among all the children. He also helped on house keeping and looked after the young. Daddy became fond of Pastor's elder daughter 梁麗梨 Liang Li Li as time went by. They all thought they would get married in the future. However, 梁麗梨 Liang Li Li stopped writing letter to Daddy after he went back to China, a mystery to Daddy. It was only half a year later that she wrote to Daddy giving him the reason for not writing. It was that she wanted to test his love of her. Daddy was most furious and broke the relationship with her since then. After listening to this briefing, I advised 黎懿德 Li Yi De to advance her friendship with Daddy because I was not prepared to talk about marriage up to that point in time. She was ambivalent and said no further. I felt only empathy upon Daddy, and sympathy toward his being so unfortunate. Over just a few days, I received an unknown letter, the cover of which indicated it was from the military camp of 韶關 Shao Guan. The letter turned out to be written in English. I did not have much thought about it, but assumed that this overseas Chinese must not know Chinese. I wasn't sure whether to respond or not, but after pondering for a while I wrote back a short English message as a courtesy.
But soon after, Daddy came to 廣州 Guang Zhou again. He stayed at the 愛群 Ai Qun Hotel across from 博濟 Bo Ji Hospital. He phoned me and wanted to see me and have dinner with me at 7 p.m. At that time, I was really at a dilemma, but succumbed and agreed. We had western-style dinner with steak. We talked about current national events and other things. Daddy advised me that if the then current situation is critical, I must leave 廣州 Guang zhou. At 9 p.m. we said good bye and I went back to my dormitory. Daddy completed his official business the next day and went back. After this first meeting, the images of Daddy's background and experience circulated my mind frequently, causing my empathetic love toward Daddy. But, frankly I had not thought of him as my life companion. The then situation had become more intense each passing day. When Japan was about to invade and enter 廣州 Guang Zhou, 黃雯 Huang Wen, the director of 博済 Bo Ji Hospital urgently announced that hospital staff must retreat to 韶關 Shao Guan in two days. The whole hospital panicked with fear over the announcement. All patients were transferred to 柔済 Rou Ji Hospital or other hospitals. 鄭莞 Zheng Wan, 陳瑞儀 Chen Rui Yi and I decided to go with the hospital. Only the western doctor remained guarding of the hospital. It happened that the evening of September 19, 1938 was fairly dark. When the school bus was about to move, I saw Daddy coming toward the campus. I guessed he rushed here to see how I was doing. He left after seeing my bus leaving. When we arrived at 韶關 Shao Guan, what was left of our hospital was set up at the 河西 He Xi Hospital across the river.
Two days later on September 21, 廣州 Guang Zhou was occupied by the Japanese army. We were considered very lucky. But the distance between 廣州 Guang Zhou and 韶關 Shao Guan was very short, therefore, we were very nervous. Daddy came to see me from time to time. Several days later, upon knowing that the Japanese were planning to invade 韶關 Shao Guan, our hospital was temporarily evacuated to 桂林 Gui Lin. Because it was such a rush, I did not have time to notify Daddy before hand, thus our communication was cut off. We found a hospital in 桂林 Gui Lin that made space for our stay. Since leaving 廣州 Guang Zhou, everywhere we went we were sleeping on the floor, without regular meals and bathing, just like refugees and the homeless. However, I was fortunate to meet a female doctor named 石美香 Shi Mei Xiang in the hospital. She graduated from 夏葛 Xia Ge Medical College, thus we were alumni. She was also a resident of 福州 Fu Zhou, making us very intimate friends. We were very happy for the coincidence that we met. Since then, she had us go to her dormitory to bathe and do laundry, sometimes having meals there also. We stayed there for about a month. Our dean 黃雯 Huang Wen started to treat patients because he could not find an appropriate location. When we got the news that the enemy was not going to attack 韶關 Shao Guan after occupying 廣州 Guang Zhou, he got us all suited up and back to 韶關 Shao Guan, starting our medical services at the 河西 He Xi Hospital.
At that time I thought Daddy was still at the military camp across the river and hoped he would know our having moved back. But things happened unpredictably, that his camp retreated to 桂林 Gui Lin only two days ago, and we missed each other. But one day soon after, it appeared that I saw Daddy was having a conversation with the dean of the medical college. It was really him. I wondered how he could be there. Daddy greeted me and arranged to go out to talk in that evening. We talked that evening in a snack shop. Daddy said he took a train to come here purposely to see me. His objective was to get me to resign my job and follow him to 桂林 Gui Lin. I said I needed time to consider, and see if the dean would allow me to do so. Daddy said not to be concerned with the dean, just my own determination would do. I almost couldn't sleep the whole night thinking and pondering about this issue. I felt an uncertain and bleak future, unaccompanied, and in this troubled times, really did not know when and where to find a place to call home. During thoughts of wandering about, it seemed God had given me a revelation, that since I had empathetic love toward him, why not go forward.
I took the courage to go see the college dean the next day. I asked to be allowed to resign with the reason that I needed to go back to 福州 Fu Zhou. He refused, but allowed me to reconsider. The second time I met the dean I said I had made my decision, leaving by train the night after. Understanding my insistence he approved my request reluctantly, but to leave without salary, which I did not much care at that juncture. The next night Daddy and a porter came to take the little luggage I had. Then I said farewell to my colleagues and my classmates 鄭莞 Zheng Wan and 陳瑞儀 Chen Rui Yi. They reluctantly shook hand with me, wishing I could stay. When Daddy and I went across the bridge, my heart was filled with great concern, not knowing what the future would hold, happy or sad. I could only pray, asking for God's guidance. We took the evening train to 桂林 Gui Lin, having purchased first-class tickets.
到桂林之後,因為行營要遷往重慶,爹哋不想去,則辭職,不久我們參加萬國紅十字會工作,爹哋為隊長,我為醫官之一,隊員醫生護士共有三十多人,都是在鄉村後方醫院治理傷兵的工作,為著這流蕩式的工作諸多不便,不如我們先行結婚之儀式,因此定1939年4月10號在樂群社酒店設筵席,請隊員爹哋的朋友(亦是從廣州逃來的) 共有五桌,每席25元,有乳豬鮑翅等上菜,該晩是十分高興和快樂呢,休息二天則回隊工作.
After arriving at 桂林 Gui Lin, Daddy resigned from his post because his military camp had to be moved to 重慶 Chong Qing, and he did not want to go. Soon we participated in the works of the International Red Cross. Daddy was captain, and I was one of the medical officers. The team of doctors and nurses numbered thirty people, all were working in the rear hospital in the rural area, treating the wounded soldiers. Because of the inconvenience of moving from place to place and the nature of the work, it would be wise that we had our marriage ceremony quickly. So we scheduled April 10, 1939 to have the banquet at 樂群社 Le Qun She Hotel. Those participated were colleagues and friends (also fled from 廣州 Guang Zhou). There were five tables, each costing 25 yuan, including feasting dishes such as suckling pig and abalone. It was a very happy and pleasurable evening. We went back to work with the team after a rest of two days.
自此之後生活困苦,隨著時勢之演變,而多處移動,無安定的居所,甚至與牛馬豬群同屋,亦有飽嚐過世間特有香芬的滋味,而且沒有一張正式的床可睡,是打地舖用禾乾為褥,那段時間因為多處遷動,地方名都記不清楚了,只記得(1) 啟剛出生於柳州一間看守門的小房子,那天爹哋適逢上前線辦公不在家,只是隊中的護士接生,後來爹哋聽到士兵報喜訊,即刻趕回途中幾乎遇險,(2) 麗雲出生地雙潭㠊,住一農夫家樓之小房子, 是爹哋與護士接生,(3) 啟文出生於桂林七星岩河邊一小竹屋,是爹哋與護士接生.
Since then we lived in poverty, through the evolution of the times, many moves, without a stable home, even lodging with cows, horses and pigs. However, I also had the taste of life's flavorful pleasures. We also did not have a regular bed, sleeping on the ground with some mattress filled with grain straws. I can not remember the names of the places because we moved very often. But I do remember three children having been born. (1) 啟剛 Kai Kong was born in 柳州 Liu Zhou (willow state) inside of a small guard house. Daddy happened to be working in the front-line and not at home that day. The team's nurse served as the midwife. Daddy, having heard the news from a soldier, rushed back and almost got into an accident. (2) 麗雲 Leven was born at 雙潭㠊 Shuang Tan Shu (Twin Lake Mountain), while lodging in a room in a small farmer's house. Daddy and a nurse did the delivery. (3) 啟文 Kaiman was born in a small bamboo hut beside a river at the 桂林 Gui Lin (laurel forest)七星岩 Seven Star Crags. Daddy and a nurse performed the delivery.
時光輾轉,忘記了某年某日萬國紅十字會解散了,則要自謀生活,那時候在桂林爹哋聽朋友之計策,合股開一餐館,營業數月,虧本甚重,我勸爹爹不熟不要做,還是做本行事業好吧,因此餐館停業,頂給別人,租一間房屋掛牌開業,在這人面生疏的地方行醫亦不容易,生意很淡,煩惱日增,恰巧羅希賢葉恂愛 (啟文記得他們在廣州人民醫院見過) 同學聽得我們的名,而來探訪,才知他們已逃來桂林數年,在某醫院任職,自此之後我們經常來往,以消愁悶,不久葉恂愛要生產,請我去幫她診症,因此我每天早上去醫院,下午才回,家中雇一女工,在這段期間爹哋的母親和她的外孫兒譚振思 (仍在香港) 來桂林找到我們,住了數月,為著經常有警報空襲而必需逃避之苦楚,而及恐慌,她決心要回鄉,爹哋則準備旅費給她們回去臺山,那時候我們經濟情況漸為缺乏,生活日見艱苦,但感謝慈悲的天父,祂總不會見棄他的兒女,為我們安排一條新路,就是爹哋遇見吳國良醫生 (是爹哋光華同學),他似乎是在政府内擔任一份很高的職位,他説這裡第四空軍醫院尚缺一位院長兼外科主任,想這份職正是適合于你,問爹哋願意接受否,爹哋回來和我考慮,翌日爹哋答覆他OK.
Time went by and I forget what year and day that the International Red Cross was disbanded, and we had to fend for our lives. Then Daddy heard a friend having a plan of establishing a restaurant. The partnership operated for a few months, incurring big loses. I advised Daddy to quit the business that he was not familiar with, and stick with our own profession. Therefore, we closed the restaurant and had it let to another party. We rented a house and hung out our shingle to start our own medical practice. It was not easy to practice medicine at a place where we did not know many faces. We were increasingly concerned due to lack of business. It happened that my classmate 羅希賢 Luo Xi Xian and his wife 葉恂愛 Yeh Xun Ai (Kaiman should remember that we had seen them at the 廣州 Guang Xhou People's Hospital) heard our names and came to visit. We found out that they had fled to 桂林 Gui Lin for several years and had been working in some hospital. Since then we met frequently, and that alleviated our mental depression. Soon 葉恂愛 Yeh Xun Ai was about to give birth and asked me to help on her medical check-up regiments. Therefore, I went to the hospital every morning until afternoon, and we hired a maid to fill the slack. During that period of time, Daddy's mother and her distant grandson 譚振思 Tan Zhen Si (still in Hong Kong) came to 桂林 Gui Lin and found us. They stayed for a few months. But as the often-sounded air raid alarm and the need to run to safety caused them difficulty and pain, they decided to return home. Daddy gave them a sum of money for their travel back to 臺山 Tai Shan. We were gradually short of financial means, and life had become increasingly difficult. But thank God for his mercy, that he would never forsake his children. He arranged for us a new way, allowing Daddy to meet Dr. 吳國良 Wu Guo Liang (Daddy's classmate at 光華 Guang Hua). He seemed to be at a very high position in the government. He said there was a vacancy of President of the Fourth Air Force Hospital, and director of surgery. He thought the position would be very suitable for Daddy, and asked if Daddy would accept it. Daddy came back and discussed it with me. Daddy said OK to him the next day.
Soon we moved into the hospital dormitory. The hospital was close to the airport. We had to run to the air raid shelter every time there was an air-raid siren. I also occupied a position as medical officer. I often had a sense of grief facing the wounded and the crippled. However, our lives settled down. Who could have known that the situation evolved suddenly in 1944. The Japanese enemy would attack 桂林 Gui Lin. The condition tightened day after day. Then the General of the Chinese army announced that the hospital was to immediately retreat to 貴陽 Gui Yang. Since Daddy was burdened with heavy responsibilities, he shuttled from place to place to negotiate with various entities in order to gain passes for the train for all members of the hospital. I was eight month pregnant, wishing to lay birth sooner rather than later, but not to be had. When the train got to 蘇橋 Su Qiao, I looked back and saw the airport completely in flame. On the next day, September 18, our daughter was born inside the train. Everyone called her 蘇橋女 Su Qiao Nu. What cities and places the train passed though could not be remembered, not even the stop at the end. I could only recall that we did not have any means of transportation. Hospital staff and soldiers all had to walk. It was unclear how Daddy found an open-top jeep that carried us and a few close staffs. Since then, we passed through places all with tragic suffering, hardly could be described in writing. We walked during the day and rested after sunset. The roads were lined with young and old dead bodies. How could you not be heart-broken! Every village we went by was ninety percent empty. Soldiers went into the houses and sought for any kind of things, rice, potatoes and/or taros, that could be cooked and consumed to stop the hunger. We slept along the road side under roof eaves, or at the edge of a rice patty. There was one time that heavy rain came during the night, and the accumulated water level reached our bodies. Daddy rolled up the mattress and held the children in his arms to find shelter from rain. We were extremely desolated that whenever Daddy talked with friends about this scene he shed his heart-breaken tears.
Such and similar circumstances encountered us for about three months. We reached 貴陽 Gui Yang in December near Christmas. We lived in a big and unoccupied temple. Only half of the soldiers survived. The quartermaster in charge of accounting died en route, leaving Daddy unable to report financial statements for expense reimbursements. Because of this he often encountered harsh criticisms from his superiors, adding to Daddy's very heavy mental stress. And his family was bankrupt, empty-handed, saving only a few pieces of children's clothes and diapers. I only had a shirt that I wore, but bought a used one for rotation. We slept on one side of the temple where we used wooden planks as beds. We bought a large size quilt cover for the whole family. I carried 蘇橋女 Su Qiao Nu on my back to buy groceries everyday, and cooked porridge for her. She was very weak and undernourished because of the lack of milk to eat. Yet she was very pretty, cute and lovable.
不久發生了流行性之猩紅熱病,許多士兵都病倒,爹哋也染上病了,發高熱半昏迷狀有三星期,那時候我一人負全責,看顧一家五人,幾乎日夜無睡,疲倦難堪,出乎意料之外,我同學鄭莞 (她早已逃來貴陽自行開業),不知從何處得知我們的居所,來探視我們,見到爹哋病臥床上,頗感難過,應允天天來給爹哋注射葡萄糖等針,為此助我一臂之力,一個月之後爹哋痊癒康復,不幸輪到我病了,鄭莞醫生亦天天來給我打針,那時候不得已找一個女工,料理孩子及煮飯,為著女工打理得不周到,使蘇橋女常常腹瀉沒有胃口,而致身體更弱,一直到我復元自己看顧,她才好轉健康,在貴陽停留數月.
Scarlet fever epidemic occurred. Many soldiers felt ill, and Daddy contracted with the disease also. Daddy had semi-coma-like high fever for three weeks. At that time, I took full responsibility single-handedly looking after the family of five persons, virtually day and night without sleep, with unbearable fatigue. Surprisingly, my classmates Dr. 鄭莞 Zheng Wan (she had fled to 貴陽 Gui Yang very early on and had her own business as a medical practitioner) came to visit us, not knowing how she learned about where we lived. She felt sad seeing Daddy lying on sick bed. She promised to come every day to attend to Daddy's regiment of glucose injection. She indeed helped me like an additional arm. Daddy recovered after a month, and unfortunately it was my turn to be sick. Dr. 鄭莞 Zheng Wan also came every day to give me the injections. We had to hire a helper, and we did with a female servant who would care for the children and cook for us. Because of her lack of care, 蘇橋女 Su Qiao Nu often had diarrhea and even was lack of appetite, causing her to become weaker. It was not until I recovered and took care of her that she turned with improved health. We all stayed at 貴陽 Gui Yang for a few months.
The situation then was still tense because the enemy soldiers were continuously attacking and advancing. The superior ordered us to prepare to retreat to 重慶 Chong Qing. Daddy was physically unable to move again, and was preparing to resign and let the hospital be managed by the medical director. Who could have known that news came one morning that the enemy surrendered - war ceased. That time was 1945 in certain month and on certain day that I could not remember. All were very happy. We soon packed our bags and prepared to go back to 廣州 Guang Zhou. When passing through 柳州 Liu Zhou, we saw the whole city destroyed badly by the Japanese. We found a temporary shelter in a school classroom, part of which was without roof. We stayed on the better side, and used the chalkboard as bed. Unfortunately 蘇橋女 Su Qiao Nu was sick with high fever of 105 ° and having cramps. Despite multiple injections, to no avail, she passed away in a few days. I saw her tears at her last breath. Such circumstance, such sadness that I incurred. Oh, lovely little life 蘇橋女 Su Qiao Nu, you were born and you died in such chaotic world; you never had time to feel the joy of life, yet you had returned to the side of your heavenly Father, and are enjoying eternal happiness. Mammy's mind is at peace. Amen.
We hired a fishing boat to travel from 柳州 Liu Zhou to 廣州 Guang Zhou. We were always afraid of the multitude of bandits along the way, thus stopped sailing just before dark. We arrived in 廣州 Guang Zhou a few days after. We rented a small house and stayed. Our lives were a little more stable, and we began to seek ways to make a living. We went to 博濟 Bo Ji Hospital to visit Dr. 梁錫光 Liang Xi Guang. He was surprised to see us, but almost could not recognize us, saying that we were totally different persons from before. Daddy outlined some of our eight years of suffering encounters and experiences, with everyone lamented. Dr. 梁錫光 Liang Xi Guang invited us to go to have tea and dim sum. I believe that was the first real meal that you three siblings had enjoyed. Daddy's career was discussed during the meal. Dr. 梁錫光 Liang Xi Guang said that 光華 Guang Hua Hospital was being renovated, and would like to hire a doctor. Therefore, we went to 光華 Guang Hua Hospital the next day to see the president 梁 Dr. Liang. He agreed to hire Daddy as the director of surgery and me director of maternal gynecology. But the renovation of the hospital would take another two months before the opening for operation. We therefore had no income during this period, and our pockets were already empty. Without any other means, Daddy had to ask Dr. 梁錫光 Liang Xi Guang for a loan of 10,000 yuan. That sustained our living temporarily until the opening of the 光華 Guang Hua Hospital. We moved into the hospital for lodging, hired a maid named 阿好 Ah Hao. 啟剛 Kai Kong and 麗雲 Leven started first grade primary school, and 啟文 Kaiman started kindergarten. Our lives achieved some semblance of stability since.
1946年6月左右,黃懷樂院長 (柔済醫院) 和梁錫光醫生 (他們知我們經濟貧窮) 都提議爹哋去澳門鏡湖醫院任外科主任,薪金2000元,比較在光華醫院的薪金多數倍,爹哋聽之當然是歡喜,不過是很難辭職,先藉請假一星期去香港有事,我則兼裡外科病人,倘遇著需要施手術者,我即打電話去呌梁醫生來幫忙施手術,那時候,我日夜甚忙,身負重責,爹哋一週過一周都不見回來,梁院長多次追問我,我只說不知,後來爹哋正式寫一封辭職書給院長解釋理由,而我仍繼續做數月,到十一月中旬才辭職,帶阿好一同乘船去澳門,爹哋已租了房子,也買齊傢俱,就這樣安居下來,第二年1947年3月20日在鏡湖醫院產下啟華,約兩年後鏡湖醫院轉為共產黨主義,升起五星旗,爹爹是不歡喜共產黨,則辭職自行開業.
Around June 1946, President 黃懷樂 Huang Huai Le (博濟 Bo Ji Hospital) and Dr. 梁錫光 Liang Xi Guang (they knew of our financial despair) both suggested Daddy to go to 澳門 Macau 鏡湖 Kiang Wu Hospital as director of surgery. With a salary of 2,000 Macau dollar, several times higher than what 光華 Guang Hua Hospital offered, Daddy was of course ecstatic upon hearing this. But it was difficult to resign his post. So, he used the reason of having to go to Hong Kong for a personal matter and took a leave of absence of one week. I performed the combined duty of internal medicine and surgery. Whenever I needed help in surgery, I immediately phoned 梁 Dr. Liang to come to help. That was a time when I was very busy day and night, with a very heavy work load. Daddy had not return, week after week, and 梁 Dr. Liang repeatedly asked me about when he would. All I could say was that I did not know. Daddy finally wrote a formal letter of resignation to the director and explained his reasons. However, I continued my work for a few more months, and resigned in the middle of November [1946]. We and 阿好 Ah Hao took a boat ride to Macau. Daddy already had rented a house, and had it furnished. So we finally settled down with peace. 啟華 Kai Wah (George) was born the next year on March 20, 1947 in 鏡湖 Kiang Wu Hospital. But, the hospital turned and adhered to the communist party, and raised the five-star flag. Daddy did not like the communist party, therefore he resigned and established his own medical practice.
We soon rented the second floor of 大南金鋪 Da Nan Jewelry Store and 燕京飯館 Yan Jing Restaurant as our medical clinic and residence. 啟鴻 Kai Hung (David) was born there on November 10, 1948, at which time 阿好 Ah Hao's daughter 二妹 Er Mei came from their village in China, taking care of the children.
We bought our house in November 1953 at 板樟堂街 22A Domingos Street. The back of the house was so deteriorated that it was about to collapse. Therefore we rebuilt it in concrete. After the construction was completed, we moved in on January 31, 1954. We used the second floor as the clinic, and the third floor as our home. It was since then that we were having a safe home and meaningful occupation. I toiled all day for the medical practice and household matters. I was frugal to a fault in managing the home, doing all I could to rebuild the family. Thus, day after day, month after month and year after year, I was able to provide for all of the children with higher education.
但美景不長存,1967年共産黨大暴亂民心恐慌,紛紛逃走,成十室九空,影響業務一落千丈了,爹哋看這情況,決心要停業往加,曾往香港見加拿大領事,申請移民來加,唯是那時候有千萬人都在等候申請出國,日久未見有消息,而時局越變越緊張,我們則計劃先往台灣避一避,竟于1967年9月8日收捨數件行李,將屋鎖匙交給新光劉先生看管,我們則坐水翼船離開澳門而往香港,逗留三天,9月11日下午乘重慶輪船往台灣,啟剛葉英想一家人 (新燕,新月等) 朱華表嫂等都來送船, 目睹啟剛離開不禁心傷,又回顧自己多年來的心血,興起這家,一旦又遭傾家蕩產,是多麼痛心呢!
But good time would not last forever. Huge riots by the communist party occurred in 1967, which scared the residents. Many fled quickly, leaving so many empty houses. Our business was negatively affected and plummeted by so much that when Daddy evaluated the situation, he decided to stop the practice and move to Canada. We went to Hong Kong to see the Canadian consul, and applied for immigration, only that there were thousands upon thousands of people waiting to apply to go abroad. We did not have any news for many many days, but the political situation was getting more tense by the day. We then planned to go to Taiwan temporarily to be away from risks. We actually left our home on September 8, 1967 after collecting a few pieces of luggage and giving the house key to 劉先生 Mr. Liu of 新光 Xin Guang Retail Store for his custody of the house. We then took the hydrofoil boat leaving 澳門 Macau to 香港 Hong Kong. After staying there for three days, we boarded 重慶輪船 Chong Qing steam ship in the afternoon of September 11 to Taiwan. 啟剛 Kai Kong, 葉英想 Yeh Ying Siang's family (also 新燕 Xin Yan, 新月 Xin Yue, etc.) , and 朱華表嫂 Zhu Hua cousins all came to say good bye. Seeing 啟剛 Kai Kong's departure was heart-breaking. And recalling our years of blood-letting effort, having raised the family, and suddenly having lost it all, was so heart-breaking.
船開第二天,風浪很大,船行甚慢,9月13日下午才到台灣,華瀾與楊然親家兩夫婦均已在基隆碼頭迎接,而後坐汽車上台北住旅店,他們時常來伴我們出來吃飯言歡,旅店房租一天120元,住一個半月,花費相當重,仍不知領事館何時才能批出,因此我們開始租一房間住下,每月租金1500元 (台幣),自己煮食,這樣可以節省一點開支, 一天過一天, 這無聊好閑的生活實在令我心裡無比的憂愁,過日如過年的等候領事的消息,那種煩惱的情緒,難容于筆墨,只是恆切禱告,到1968年4月上旬得到加拿大領事館的批准書,不勝歡喜,趕速辦理護照機票等,于1968年4月19日下午一時乘西北航空公司班機離開台灣而來加拿大,在台灣是逗留足七個月零一星期才告落一段.
The sea journey was very rough the next day and the ride was very slow. It was only Sept 13 before we arrived in 台灣 Taiwan. 華瀾 Hua Lan and 楊然 Mr. and Mrs. Yang Ran our in-laws, already were at the 基隆 Ji Long dock to greet us. We then rode a car to 台北 Taipei and stayed in a hotel. They often came to accompany us to dine, and chat with laughter. The rent for the hotel room was 120 Taiwan dollar per day. We stayed for a month and a half and felt the expense was too heavy on us. And, we still did not know when the immigration paper would be issued by the consul. We therefore rented a room, paying 1,500 Taiwan dollar per month. We cooked our own food in order to save a little money. This boring time, day after day, really caused so much concern and stress on me. Passing a day was like passing a year, and still waiting for news from the consul. It is hard to describe in writing the anxiety I had. Yet I persevered in my prayer, and finally in early April 1968 we received immigration papers from the Canadian Consulate. We were indeed very happy. We rushed to arrange for passports and plane tickets. On April 19, 1968 at 1 p.m., we took a Northwest Airlines flight from Taiwan to Canada. Our stay in Taiwan for seven months and one week was thus terminated.
1968年4月19號到溫哥華去Victoria梁梅舫牧師師娘家住四天,來Calgary 看啓華,玩二天,1968年4月26號飛往 Montreal 住啟文家在5741 Decarie Blvd., Apt. 3,啟鴻亦是同住, 不過啟文與國圓不久往美國, 我看顧一峯, 一年後這 Apt. 租期滿,1969年5月1號我們帶一峯去美國Ames 啟文家住數月, 9月22號啟文碩士畢業,我們離開 Ames 往 Boston 住 1 RosaSt.,Apt.304 到1970年2月,我和爹哋回來加國來Calgary和啟華住,一年後1971年4月爹哋作遠足之舉,駛車旅行探訪朋友,途經溫哥華,Victoria,Seatle,San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas,而後打算入 Washington D. C. or NewYork,但不幸車開到 highway no. 40某地方發生意外,車失事,唯是感謝主,人得平安,則坐巴士兩日一夜到Boston,在啟文家住一年,1972年4月爹哋買了車自己駕駛回來加拿大,從此以後長居于Calgary. 1973年6月9號我和爹哋遷入 1420 Lake Ontario Dr., S. E. 自己房子, 一直住到現在.
We arrived in Vancouver on April 19, 1968, and then Victoria to stay four days at the home of 梁梅舫牧師師娘 Pastor and Mrs. Liang Mei Fang. We went to Calgary to see 啓華 Kai Wah (George), and relaxed for two days. We flew to Montreal on April 26, 1968 to live at 啟文 Kaiman's home, 5741 Decarie Blvd., Apt. 3. 啟鴻 Kai Hung (David) was also living there. But 啟文 Kaiman and 國圓 Kwo Yuan (Cathy) soon had to leave for the United States. I was looking after 一峯 Yeh Feng (Birk). When the lease expired, we left with 一峯 Yeh Feng (Birk) on May 1, 1969 to the states and stayed at 啟文 Kaiman's apartment in Ames [Iowa] for a few months. 啟文 Kaiman graduated with a masters degree on September 22. We all left Ames for Boston, and stayed at 1 Rosa St., Apt. 304. Daddy and I stayed there till February 1970, and we came back to Calgary to live with 啟華 Kai Wah (George). A year later in April 1971 Daddy started his travel by car to visit friends, via Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and then planned to go to Washington DC or New York City. But unfortunately an accident occurred on Highway 40 somewhere. The car was crushed, but thank God, Daddy was safe and sound. After two days and a night on a bus, he arrived in Boston and stayed at 啟文 Kaiman's home for a year. In April 1972 Daddy bought his own car and drove back to Canada. Since then we were permanent residents in Calgary. On June 9, 1973 Daddy and I moved in to our own house at 1420 Lake Ontario Dr., SE, and lived there until now.
(The following is appended by Kaiman Lee)
爹哋在1973年 10月2日去世. 我在自己家住到一事故發生. 在 2011年 1月 10日, 我摔倒在廚房裡, 不能起身. 我推生命線按鈕, 緊急醫療救護服務人員來檢查我. 第二天因為實在太弱, 無法行走, 我就被帶到 Rockyview 醫院. 經過無數次試驗和觀察, 那裡的醫生決定不讓我回家, 不給我自己一個人住在家裡. 于 2011 年 2 月 3 日, 當時我是98 歲, 我被送入 Carewest George Boyak (也稱為療養院). 從這時開始我就住在那裡.
Daddy passed away on Oct 2, 1973. I had lived in that home by myself until an accident occurred. On January 10, 2011, I fell down in the kitchen and could not get up. I pushed the Lifeline button, and EMS came and checked on me. I was taken to the Rockyview Hospital the next day because I was too weak to be able to walk. After numerous tests and observations, the doctors there decided not to allow me to go back home, and stay home by myself. I was admitted to Carewest George Boyak (aka nursing home) on Feb 3, 2011, when I was 98 years old, and had stayed there ever since.
承蒙你誠心要求我寫出我之自傳歷史,我則不得不聽従而完成你的心意呢. 回憶錄上卷早已完成,但這篇回憶錄下卷為著多次懷念傷心,斷續擱筆而延遲數年尚未寫完,到今天我才決心振起精神,把這篇回憶錄下卷寫完,才不虧欠你所要求的心願. 盼望你能小心保存,等到我百年之後,如果你以為必須之時,則可複印給你的兄弟們, 剛, 華, 鴻, 各一份以為紀念. 倘你歡喜釋為英文書一本,留傳後代亦可,這是父母一生勞苦心血之歷史 - 以供為鑑.
To my son 啟文 Kaiman,
Because of your sincere request of having me write my autobiography, I can not but to comply and fulfill your wish. The first part had been completed for some time, but the second part was with multitudes of heart-breaking memories and sadness that it was written on and off for over a few years, and still could not finish. It is not until today that I have determined to gather my spirit and strength, and to finish the second part. Thus, I will have fulfilled your desire for my autobiography. I hope you will preserve it carefully. Upon my passing, and if you feel it is necessary, you can make copies and give to your brothers 剛 Kai Kong, 華 Kai Wah (George), and 鴻 Kai Hung (David) for their remembrance. If you like to translate it into English for generations to come, you may do so. This constitutes part of your parents' significant history of their lifetime, especially of toil, poverty, despair, desperation and extreme struggle - read it for your well being.
Hand written by Mammy
Partager l'avis de décès