Pak Chung was born in 1938 in China. He was the youngest child of 5 in the family. He is survived by his wife, Wai Har, and his children Petty (Ronald), Iries, Dominic (Willy), Eunice (Edmond), Vienna (Kwok Chiu) and grandchildren Marcus, Eugenie, Jacquelyn, Alexandra and Joscelyn.
Pak Chung was raised in a small village in Canton, Southern China with his mother and siblings in his early age. His father worked overseas in South East Asia. He went to school at 9 years old. Although he started school late, he was smart and studied hard, often receiving honorable rewards, and won prizes such as books, stationery, and crops. His mother was very proud of him and shared his rewards with neighbours. His mother passed away when he was 11 years old. Because there was no one taking care of him, he had to quit school and was allocated to Hong Kong to meet his father. He only carried $10 and a blanket (which he later sold for a train ticket) to go through Hong Kong Custom alone but got rejected several times. He tried for 3 days with no success. Finally, he tried another route which was a farther and more complicated way to get into Hong Kong, but he made it.
Even when he arrived in Hong Kong, he still was not able to be with his father because of his father’s housing condition. He had to stay with relatives and his father could only visit him every other day. Before he reached 14, his father became very ill and passed away 3 weeks later. How could a teenage boy manage the funeral service payment? He borrowed money from his brother-in-law’s business partner which took him 3 years to pay off the loan.
Pak Chung was a very hard-working person. He had worked many different jobs to survive in the new city. But he did not complain and worked harder, he went to school in the evening after long days of work. Gradually he gained knowledge, experience, and a driver’s license. He got a job in a tobacco company where he met his wife, and they started a family.
After his youngest daughter was born, he started his own business. Being a small self-employed company, everyone in the household was helping. Although life seemed tough, the whole family was happy and harmonious. Pak Chung ensured he had Sundays off to take his family to picnics and other outings, spending time with his children which was very important to him and the family.
In his middle age, his business was doing well, and he managed to expand the business. In 1993, he and his family immigrated to Canada, starting his retirement journey. The children were all grown up and had their own families. They spent a lot of family time together.
Because Pak Chung came from a rural village, he loved nature and gardening. When he was busy making a living in Hong Kong, he loved gardening in his limited leisure time. Living in beautiful Vancouver in his retiring life, he enjoyed spending the time working in his garden and often received a lot of compliments from neighbours and friends. Besides gardening, he loved to read, he was very knowledgeable and loved to share with family and friends, especially the younger adults in the family. Telling his life journey is fascinating.
Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Adenocarcinoma in November 2019. He immediately started with several types of treatments but stopped after having serious side effects. It was very challenging when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020. His wife and children were with him to battle the disease. In the daytime, two of his daughters took turns to visit and support him while his son and daughter-in-law spent time with him during the evenings and weekends. His other two daughters who live in Victoria came to visit and support him whenever they could. Unfortunately, after 16 long months of battling, Pak Chung passed away peacefully on March 19, 2021, aged 83, at the Salvation Army Hospice in Richmond, BC.
Pak Chung understood the meaning of Christ. He started to learn about Christianity in 2019. When he was very ill and he knew only God would save him and give him new life without the illness, he was baptized with his wife and son on February 18, 2021. We only say goodbye for now. We will all meet again in heaven someday.
黃栢振先生,中國廣東省新會縣人士,生於 1938 年,上有二位姐姐和二位哥哥,為家中孻仔。與愛妻翁惠霞結婚 61 載,育有一子(國峰),四女(翠芬,翠薇,翠珠和翠珊)。二人一心為家庭努力奮鬥。
年幼時,由於父親在東南亞工作,所以與母親和兄姐在家鄉農村生活。9 歲入學,由於聰明勤奮,成績優異,每學年完結,總屢獲獎勵,包括:稻米,書簿、文具等。當母親將獎品帶回村內,均得到其他村民的讚賞。11 歲時喪母,後因無人照顧,成功申請單程簽證往香港與父親團聚。
12 歲時帶著十元及一張棉被(後來將賣棉被的錢買了車票去廣州)獨自離開家鄉去香港。當抵達香港邊境時,不知為何連試三天都不獲香港海關允許入境。無可奈何之下唯有乘坐火車去廣州找姑婆,獲得收留及餵飽多日未經進食的肚子。姑婆其後安排他到會城找其二姐,二姐則安排他由會城到澳門找大姐夫。到達澳門後,聯絡上大姐夫之生意拍檔並安排一位仁兄一同帶他乘渡輪去香港。原先安排是這位仁兄會以長兄身分幫忙在過海關時回答問題,但到埗落船時,這位仁兄改變主意,改成各自入境。其時栢振剛過 12 歲,雖然害怕和驚恐,仍然鎮定應對,最後順利過關及入境香港。之後他乘坐人力車到彩虹邨找大姐夫,第二天才能與父親相聚。由於父親是租住吊架床,所以不能與兒子同住。父親每隔兩日去探望栢振,這樣維持了兩個星期。在栢振還不到 14 歲時,父親抱恙入院,三個星期後去世;當時父親沒有遺下什麼,所有身後事的費用由大姐夫向生意拍檔借出,栢振歷時三年辛勤工作才能還清。
在這段時間,栢振年紀雖小,為能盡快還清債務,努力辛勤工作,從事不同行業:雜貨店單車送貨員,油站加油員。夜間繼續自學,並考獲駕駛執照,後成為白牌車司機。其後在煙廠找到一份送貨司機的職位,因工作認真,好學,性格隨和,深得上司客戶信任,後升為營業員,生活開始改善。同時認識了妻子,兩人於 1959 年成家立室,子女逐漸出生,直至孻女出生後開始創業。早期在家中作業,妻子和子女一同幫手,雖然僅僅溫飽卻一家人樂也融融。他非常疼愛家人,無論如何忙碌、為口奔馳,也一定抽出每個星期日帶著一家大小去郊外旅行和野餐。後來生意漸上軌道,得到銀行支持,有能力自置物業,繼續營運直至移民加拿大。
1993 年移居加拿大後過著退休生活,子女們各自成家。現有一孫女(羨柔),一外孫(黃梓軒)及三外孫女(黃梓欣,吳家翹,吳家晞)。他自小在農村長大,非常熱愛耕種及園藝,即使為養家而奔波,也堅持在家蒔花弄草。退休生活專注打理家中庭園,休閒時喜逛園藝店,各大、小花園及出席花展,連出外旅遊時都特別留意遇到的植物花卉。他更喜愛與朋友分享園藝心得,得到鄰居和朋友們的讚賞。他喜愛閱讀,見識廣博。 亦愛與後輩分享他的人生經歷。
2019 年 11 月確診肺腺癌四期,雖然很快得到治療,奈何數月後因副作用而停止,其後遇上新冠肺炎大疫情,令其身心面臨很大挑戰。子女們為補足父母的需要,作出相輔協調,與他鄰近居住的兩位女兒隔天探訪,居住在温哥華島的兩位女兒則盡量抽時間探訪給予父母身心支持,而同住的兒子一家主力夜間及假日照顧。經歷了 16 個月的癌病搏鬥,於 2021 年 3 月 19 日早上在睡夢中安祥地離世。
栢振受到聖靈感動,明白認識和信靠主是重要的。由 2019 年開始認識主,雖然在患病期間身體軟弱而認識主的時間很短暫,卻决心將生命交托主手裡。他偕同妻子於 2021 年 2 月 17 日决志,翌日夫婦與兒子三人一同洗禮成為主的兒女,是真真正正的基督家庭。現在他安祥地回到天父的懷中,享受天父為他預備好的永恆福樂,他清楚知道這只是暫時離別,將來一定會與他疼愛的家人們及親友們再次在天家內重聚。
Since the in-person attendance capacity is restricted, family and friends of Pak Chung can watch the streaming of the funeral live or at your convenience later using the link provided below:
Funeral Service on Saturday, April 3, 2021 at 12:00 pm.
Please check with the family for the password.
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