David "Bruce" Robertson entered this world on March 25, 1931 in Calgary, AB. With his parents, Philip & Gertrude and his elder sister, Edna, he lived in Regina, SK, where his parents served as Salvation Army Officers. The financial struggles of the 1930's forced them west to Port Alberni, BC, where they lived for a number of years before settling in Victoria.
Bruce attended Victoria High and soon discovered his love and talent for music and singing through his involvement at Victoria Citadel. He made friendships that endured his whole life long. While his first job was with the Queen's Printer in the BC Parliament, his life's desire was to be a professional vocalist and musician... or so he thought. Bruce had accepted Jesus as his Saviour and Lord at an early age, but the voice of God's Spirit was calling him to a greater level of commitment. He tried to ignore that "still, small voice" for several years as he pursued a career in music. He finally surrendered to God's call and entered Training College in Toronto in 1952, where he embraced this calling to full-time, life-long ministry that began as a Salvation Army Officer.
While at Training College, he met and eventually began courting a young nurse named Miriam Grace Wells. Their first date was in 1953. Their second date was a whole year later. They courted for 5 years, some of which was at a distance while Bruce served as Divisional Youth Secretary in New Brunswick and PEI. They finally married in May 1958 and would remain fervent partners in life and ministry for nearly 66 years.
Together, they served in Salvation Army ministry for 20 years, starting at Riverdale Corps, Toronto (1958-62) - where they welcomed Karen and Philip into the family. During this time, Bruce also completed his ARCT in Singing - Solo Performance at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. They went on to serve at: Hamilton Citadel, Bermuda (1962-65), Territorial Music Department, Toronto (1965-66), Vancouver Temple (1966-71) - during which time Stephen was born, Etobicoke Temple, Toronto (1971-77), and BC Divisional Headquarters as Divisional Secretary (1977-78).
In 1978, Bruce & Miriam felt God’s call to step out of the Salvation Army for other ministry opportunities. In June of that year, he started as co-Pastor at Burnaby Christian Fellowship, a young independent church. BCF became a thriving church community. In 1985 he left to plant a new church: Church on the Way. He also played an integral role at Missions Fest Vancouver as MC and Worship Coordinator. In 1997, he became Executive Director for the Congregational Christian Churches in Canada in Brantford, ON. He truly became a Pastor to Pastors, ministering to congregations across Canada.
At the age of 71, Bruce & Miriam “retired” to Surrey, BC, where they attended Cariboo Hill Temple. Bruce began working part-time as Chaplain at Salvation Army's Harbour Light in Vancouver's east-side and became a second father to many men there struggling to escape the grip of addiction. Finally at 82, an autoimmune condition, forced him to fully retire.
The last 6 months were a struggle, but he remained full of faith and good humour until the end. Bruce passed peacefully on March 23, 2024 at Surrey Memorial Hospital, surrounded by family who sang and prayed him into his heavenly home. He was Promoted to Glory just 2 days shy of his 93rd birthday.
At every stage of his pilgrimage, Bruce cultivated friendships and partnerships in life and ministry that lasted throughout the years. He affected many lives, most importantly those of his own family through 3 generations. He will be missed greatly by his wife, Miriam, and children: Karen (Doug Kennedy), Phil, and Steve (Janice) and his adoring grandchildren: Jeffrey (Katherine & son, Judah), Lauren, Jordan (Lindsey & children: Payton & Micah), and Julia.
Donations in Memory of Bruce can be made to the ministry of Vancouver Salvation Army Harbour Light by clicking the link below.
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