Tia BreedloveWife of 52 years

Tina Vance (David)Daughter

Lea Dickerson (Ricky)Daughter

Jessica Johnson (Brian)Daughter

Paige Curbow (Chance)Grandchild

Cayley CoxGrandchild

Lyla Grace CoxGrandchild

David DickersonGrandchild

Lindsey DickersonGrandchild

Lucy JohnsonGrandchild

Noah MitchellGrandchild

James CurbowGreat Grandchild

Mac CurbowGreat Grandchild

Wayne Breedlove (Cynthia)Brother

Bonnie KempSister

Host ofNieces and Nephews

William Wyatt Breedlove, Sr.Father

Evelyn Sparks BreedloveMother


Wayne Breedlove

David Vance

Ricky Dickerson

Brian Johnson

David Dickerson

Chance Curbow

Kelly MartinHonorary

Pat HankinsHonorary

James Arthur HuddlestonHonorary

Johnny LambertHonorary

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