Greg DownsSon

Bryan DownsSon

Marty Downs (Vickie)Son

Wade DownsBrother

Margie WoolumSister-in-law

Alyce Jennings (Mark)Grandchild

Mary Dooley (Michael)Grandchild

Julie Stieber (Dave Dillon)Grandchild

Carla Woolum (Ken)Special Niece

Mildred DownsWife

Almos DownsFather

Dimple DownsMother

Jack DownsBrother

Major ManessFather-in-law

Omie ManessMother-in-law

Jasper ManessBrother-in-law

James ManessBrother-in-law

Earl WoolumBrother-in-law

Sandy ManessSister-in-law

Jackie MoormanNiece

Mitchell HatfieldNephew

Mr. Downs also leaves behind eight great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.

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