Mary Ruth WhitleyWife

Robert Whitley (Robin)Son

Michael Whitley (Maryann)Son

Jerry WhitleySon

Robert Wade Whitley (Martha)Brother

Francis Whitley (Laurene)Brother

Charlie WhitleyBrother

Teressia Miles (Gary)Sister

Becky SartinGranchild

Stephanie Demars (Jesse)Granchild

Adam WhitleyGrandchild

Alex WhitleyGrandchild

Aaron WhitleyGrandchild

Jason WhitleyGranchild

Jennifer Downs (Chris)Granchild

Amy Dawson (Hunter)Granchild

Jakob SartinGreat Grandchild

Kalena SartinGreat Grandchild

Hunter DownsGreat Grandchild

Chase DownsGreat Grandchild

Noah DawsonGreat Grandchild

Greyson DawsonGreat Grandchild

Relmer WhitleyFather

Mattie Johnson WhitleyMother

Philip WhitleySon

And a host of nieces and nephews


Jason WhitleyActive Pallbearer

Adam Whitley Active Pallbearer

Alex WhitleyActive Pallbearer

Aaron WhitleyActive Pallbearer

Chris DownsActive Pallbearer

Hunter DawsonActive Pallbearer

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