Leilani Magno est né(e) le July 25, 2000 et est décédé(e) le July 8, 2018 et il (elle) est confié(e) aux soins de Glen Abbey Memorial Park & Mortuary.
Celebration of Life with Rosary at 7:00 p.m. aura lieu le July 17, 2018 à 5:00 pm à Glen Abbey Mortuary Chapel , 3838 Bonita Road, Bonita, California.
Funeral Mass aura lieu le July 18, 2018 à 12:30 pm à Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church , 345 Anita Street, Chula Vista, California.
Interment to Follow à Glen Abbey Memorial Park.
Il (elle) laisse dans le deuil Vanessa Rico (Mother), Adrian Magno (Father), Adrian Magno (Brother), Kevin Magno (Brother), Kayla Magno (Sister).
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